I'm considering playing a prank

On some of the commenters of my blog. For the most part I think I'm quite lucky, I have a lot of bright minds that come tell me I'm wrong all the time, or in the very least challenge my ideas. I think that is fantastic and I encourage it. I seem to value questions more than the average guy, and that might have everything to do with my quest for perspective.


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Every now and then, there is someone who shows up that does not read the post at all, but decides to take a shot into the dark with a broken BB gun. I'm sure you know exactly what I mean, but in case that you don't, allow to show you one of the most hilarious upvote fishing comments missing the mark that I've seen in a while.

@zyx066 is one of my favorite minnows on the platform, a prolific writer and thinker who enjoys shedding light into the "truths" (note the air quotes) of the world. On his last post, he poses the idea that slavery was never really abolished, it just evolved. A very well written post that I would encourage anyone to read, hands down.

However, look at this comment

So, What happened? Why would @liltom wanna join slavery? - The answer is obvious, he doesn't, he did not read the post, that was not his goal, he was fishing for an upvote and missed the mark big time. Listen, I'm not upset, I find this hilarious and quite enjoy it. This is why I'm considering setting a trap.

Maybe in the coming days I will make some posts that make absolutely no sense, none. If all of the sudden I get a compliment, I will know I have captured a classic upvote fisher. I'm tempted, I'm seriously temped, I only hesitate because the ratio of upvote fishers, to actual readers is not bad at all, and I happen to have some awesome readers that I enjoy conversing with. So I have to ask:

What do you guys think? Should I do it? Would you forgive me?

Other posts by yours truly

• I'm revising my ways, Thanks Paula
• one of those mornings
• if I lost this account, would you care?
• This is how money works, kinda - A story told to me by a Ghost
• An Ode to Spam

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