Realm Royale Classes


I am back and better than ever! I am finally on summer vacation and I am here to start writing more blogs. I do have a few exams but those will be over by next week. I know that is has been awhile but I am here to make a banger. Today I will be talking about the new game that recently came out that is called Realm Royale. I am pretty sure you guys have heard of the game Fortnite which is the most popular game out there currently and it's kinda like that. In Realm Royale there are five classes and they all have specific roles in the game. I am going to be explaining every single class and the first item in every picture is the primary weapon that the class will get once you forge your legendary weapon which I will explain more of in a minute. There are four tiers in the game, Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Also, one more thing you might want to know is that the cooldowns and the damage will be from lowest to the greatest tiers. EX) Common ---> Rare ---> Epic ---> Legendary.
The first class is Warrior. Warrior is a class where you are mainly meant to be a tank in the game. If you look at the picture above you can see that there are special abilities in the game that is meant to be for this class only.

The primary weapon for the Warrior class is called the Throwing Axe

The first special ability you see above (the big one next to the axe) is called the Heroic Leap. The Heroic Leap is when you leap an incredible height and distance. CD: 16/14/12/10s Damage: 375/450/525/600.

The next ability the Warrior class has is called the Charge. The Charge ability allows you to dash forward dealing damage to enemies hit. CD: 11/9/7/5s Damage: 400.

The third ability that the Warrior has is called the Flask Of Healing. The Flask Of Healing throws a flask that heals allies CD: 15/14/13/12s Healing: 10/13/16/19 HP per tick.

The fourth ability he has is the Net Shot. The Net Shot throws a net reducing your target’s speed by 50% CD: 10/8/6/4s.

The last ability that the Warrior may achieve is the Shielding Potion. The Shielding Potion throws a potion that shields allies CD: 18/16/14/12s
That is everything you need to really know about the Warrior class. Now time to talk about the second class which is the Engineer class. The Engineer class is meant to be more of a passive class and to use his machines to help him.

The first ability that the Engineer is able to use is called the Thrust. The Thrust allows you to jet upwards into the air CD: 8/7/6/5s.

The second ability that the Engineer can maintain is the Barricade. The Barricade allows you to deploy a shield that blocks enemy shots CD: 16/14/12/10s 4/6/8/10s.

The third ability that the Engineer can also achieve is called the Deploy Turret. I am pretty sure you can guess what this ability does by the name but here it is. Deploy Turret deploys up to 2 turrets that shoot enemies CD: 20/16/12/8s Duration: 25/30/35/40s

The fourth ability that the Engineer is able to use is called the Fire Bomb. The Fire Bomb lets you throw a bomb that leaves a pool of fire. CD: 16/14/12/10s DMG: 3/4/5/6% of max HP/Tick.

The last ability that he may use is called the Healing Totem. The Healing Totem deploys a totem that heals allies HP Per Tick (4 ticks per second): 10/20/30/40 CD: 20/16/12/8s Duration: 6s.
That's the summary of Engineer class for you, 3 more to go. Now here goes the Assassin which is personally my favorite. The Assassin class is a class where you would like to be a bit more stealthy than usual. If you master it you can become really good at the game because of how powerful the equipment is.

The first ability that the Assassin class can have access to is called Blink. Blink allows you to teleport forward a short distance and you can teleport through windows CD: 16/12/8/4s.

The second ability that this character can get is called the Concussion Bomb. The Concussion Bomb allows you to throw a bomb that knocks back yourself and enemies CD: 14/12/10/8s Damage: 150/300/450/600.

The third ability he also can achieve is called the Ghost Walk. The Ghost Walk allows you to become untargetable and move faster. CD: 12/10/8/6s Duration: 2/3/4/5s Speed Boost: 15/30/45/60%.

The second to last ability that the Assassin class can achieve is called the Sensor Drone. The Sensor Drone allows people to deploy a drone that reveals enemies for 5s CD: 20/16/12/8s Duration: 2/3/4/5s.

The last ability that the Assassin class can get is called the Smoke Screen which allows you to throw a smoke screen that blocks vision and grants you brief invisibility CD: 12/11/10/9s Duration: 5/6/7/8s.
That's pretty everything you really need to know about Assassin which I highly recommend. Now we're on the Mage class. The Mage class is pretty much like a Hybrid. You can either go in defensively or offensively.

The first ability that you may get for the Mage class is called Soar. The Soar ability allows you to fly through the air. (You can soar through windows) CD: 16/14/12/10s Duration: 3/3.5/4.4/4.5s.

The second ability that you may achieve is called the Explosive Flask. The Explosive Flask allows you to throw an explosive flask that slows enemies CD: 12/10/8/6s Slow: 20/40/60/80%.

The third ability is called Fireball. The Fireball ability obviously allows you to throw a ball of fire that passes through enemies CD: 10/8/6/4s Damage: 450/600/750/900.

The fourth ability which is not too good is called Ice Block. Ice Block allows you to become immune to all damage for Xs amount of seconds but you can't move or attack CD: 14/12/10/8s Duration: 3/4/5/6s.

The last ability for the Mage class is called Wall. The Wall ability allows you to place a wall that blocks movement CD: 14/12/10/8s Duration: 3/5/7/9s.
That's everything you need to know about the Mage class. Now the last class we need to talk about is Hunter. The Hunter class is a really good class if you would like to be really fast and give your enemys a surpise attack. The Hunter is a really swift type of character.

The main ability for the Hunter class is called Dodge Roll. Dodge Roll allows you to quickly roll in the direction you are moving CD: 5/4/3/2s.

The second ability for this class is called the Blast Shot. Blast Shots allows Hunters to throw an explosive projectile that damages enemies CD: 12/16/12/8s.

The third ability that this class also uses is called the Flare. The Flare allows Hunters to fire a flare that reveals enemies in a large radius CD: 14/12/10/8s Radius: 120/150/180/210.

The fourth ability that is pretty good is called Proximity Mine. Proximity Mine allows you to place a mine that explodes when enemies are near CD: 20/16/12/8s 750/900/1,050/1,200 (Has damage falloff).

The last ability for this class is called Withdraw. Withdraw allows you to leap backward and enter stealth CD: 14/12/10/8s Duration: 1/2/3/4s.
Those are all the classes, now it's time to talk about the standard builds of these characters. For the Warrior character, you would like to use the Charge & Shielding Potion. The reason why you would want to use these two for the Warrior character is that you can get up in close with the Charge spell and hammer them with your primary weapon also known as the axe and then you pop the Shielding potion so you don't get destroyed. For the Engineer character, you would like to use the Barricade & Deploy Turrent. The way you would do this is you would put down the Barricade and then the Turrent so it's protected and the Turrent can shoot through it. It will do quite of bit of damage and then you can finish your opponent with the finishing blow! For the Assassin, you would like to use the Concussion Bomb & Ghost Walk. The Concussion Bomb would be really well used with the Legendary Sniper (primary). Reason being is because you can knock someone in the air and then snipe them. If you get good at this you will become really well since the sniper does 1100 damage. The Ghost Walk is there in case you ever get into any type of sticky situation and you need a quick way to escape. For the Mage, you can use the Explosive Flask & Fireball. This would work well because you can burst the enemies with your spells and then finish them off with your weapon since the spells would have done a lot of damage. For the Hunter, I would use the Blast Shot & Withdraw. The reason why I would use these two is because, Blast Chunk does a nice chunk of damage and in case you need to back out because you messed it up you can use Withdraw. This baically sums up everything you need to know about the classes in Realm Royale. I hope you guys enjoyed this blog about it and if you enjoyed dont forget to follow. Have a great rest of your day!

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