Culture of India

Culture of India
India is the cradle of civilization, where many empires have been formed. It is considered a historical trading area. It has been known for its cultural and commercial wealth for a long time. There are four basic religions in India: Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism. In the first millennium, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism, which made it culturally diverse.
India consists of a state, seven different provinces,
It is the second largest economy in the world in terms of exchange rates. It occupies the fourth place in terms of purchasing power. Its society is pluralistic. It has a different group of languages and races. It also has a wide variety of wildlife, but it does not Continue to suffer from many problems, such as poverty, illiteracy and malnutrition.

Forms of Culture in India Dress:
Traditional Indian clothing is one of the manifestations of deep culture. India is distinguished by its unique clothing. It is one of the countries that still cling to traditional dress and Western dress. Their clothes are vibrant, full of glamor and sophistication. , And each form reflects the economic status of the person, cultural, religious, educational, and has succeeded in attracting these clothes to the world, and thus become traded in the world markets a lot. Religion: There are many religions in India, thus practicing a different set of rituals

The most famous of these celebrations are Diwali, Dusera, and Holly rituals. Many people celebrate the harvest, which is called Bongal, which takes place in Tamil Nadu. Music: There are many types of Indian music, such as traditional, Karnatik, and is famous for this type of music in the region of southern India, Hindi music is famous in the northern part of the country, and there are Hindi films, known as Bollywood films, and is very popular in the world, India is one of the most famous countries

Dance, where there are many species of it, such as Bharatnamath, Kuchibody, Odyssey, and many more. Literature: Indian literature was initially transmitted orally, but in time it has become known, and the most famous literature in India, the literature of Sangam, is famous in the Tamil Nadu, one of the oldest types of literature in India, Of the writers, and they used Hindi and English in their writings more broadly.

Exotic customs: the cremation of the dead. This behavior is common among Hindus, where the body is converted to ashes and scattered in the sea. They believe that by doing so the dead go to a new life and there is usually food for the gods.

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