Some Good News for Those Living In The United States! Let Us Make The Best Use of this.

The Headline Should Read:

President Trump Drops NUCLEAR BOMB on Vaccine Mandates


Thursday, Jan. 18th the U.S. President Trump established a new Division within the Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights. It is called the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division. It is not often that one can relate creating a new Division (or arm) in government to Good News but this may be the exception.

In Thursday's press release by the HHS Office for Civil Rights, Director Roger Severino stated:

“Law protecting religious freedom and conscience rights are just empty words on paper if they aren’t enforced. No one should be forced to choose between helping sick people and living by one’s deepest moral or religious convictions, and the new division will help guarantee that victims of unlawful discrimination find justice. For too long, governments big and small have treated conscience claims with hostility instead of protection, but change is coming and it begins here and now.”
Here is the link to the Press Release:

The new web-site for the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division has a convenient portal to file a complaint and encourages ANYBODY who feels their religious rights or conscience have been violated to file a complaint.

HHS Secretary Eric Hargan said:

“President Trump promised the American people that his administration would vigorously uphold the rights of conscience and religious freedom. That promise is being kept today. The Founding Fathers knew that a nation that respects conscience rights is more diverse and more free, and OCR’s new division will help make that vision a reality.”

We are living in an "exceptional" time. As you may be aware, more people are researching the safety of vaccinations only to find that no real studies have been done by the FDA, CDC, Health and Human Services (HHS) who, by the way, is funding these practices, health practitioners who are administering these concoctions, or the drug manufacturers themselves. One has only assumed the safety of these chemical cocktails being injected into children have went through rigorous testing processes and that they have been found safe or even effective but unfortunately they have not. Awareness has consistently been growing and more parents and health practitioners are now questioning the safety and even the need for the practice of vaccinations.

We know many children are being removed from their homes by Child Protective Services (CPS) because parents have made an informed choice NOT TO VACCINATE. Many times this will not be stated by CPS but it has been proven to be one of the primary reasons for CPS to move in, sabotage and coerce families which leads to removal of the children and the destruction of the family unit.

We have leaned many of these children taken into foster care custody are also eventually medicated with prescriptions for anti-depressants and other SSRI type drugs. Most fail to notice there was no need for medication prior to abduction by CPS but as the child mourns their family loss they become depressed and suffer anxiety which leads to "behavioral" issues. What child would not suffer anxiety if they are ripped from their home and many times never to see their natural parents and siblings again?

More on this is explained by @curlfamilyvlog who just today posted this article with sources for follow up today on Steemit:

Here on the Steemit platform, one only has to click on


to see the magnitude of abuse not only here in the US but around the world. This is a time for change and it is within our power to make use of resources as they become available. Children should be our first priority!

I do not expect there are many that would want to keep this offer made by the new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division a secret. Let your family, friends and circles of contacts know this new Division has been created to help those that have been unjustly served (serviced). Copy the following link to share with them:


There is a great deal of information in the following articles. If you are one that believes in Health Freedom and your right to make informed choices about your health and that of those you care for, then please make the best use of this NEW information.

This may be one of the biggest opportunities we have with our ability to expose some of the most vile practices that are currently in use today. The establishment of this new division can possibly open the door for communication and relief for Veteran's, the elderly, etc. and is ready to be put to the test.

Ideas, suggestions and comments are always welcome. There are so many wonderful investigative reporters here within the Steemit community to thank it would not be fair to try to name them all. Please do yourself a favor: Find them and follow them. Thank you Steemit for providing a platform that is truly making the world a better place.


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