The Grand Experiment - Seeding Humanity

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This planet Earth is a living library. The flora and fauna that we find here is not an accident. I look at the vast resources available here, and I am baffled that anyone can convince humanity that we are overpopulated, and there isn't enough on this beautiful planet for everyone. The Cosmos are far too vast, our planet Earth too large, our intelligence too high, and our souls too expansive to accept this agenda as truth.

I am convinced that we were seeded here, possibly by many different Extraterrestrial races, looking to add their genetic material to this living library. The work of Barbara Marciniack, Patricia Cori, and Alex Collier have shaped my perspective on the Extraterrestrial presence here on Earth. Each of these 3 individuals have experienced inexplicable events in their lives that have put them in contact with beings of a higher frequency that share information that is meant to aid humanity. I will discuss and share links to all 3 of these contactees in the following text.

First, let's break down WHO each of these contactees are communicating with:
Barbara Marciniack: The Pleiadians
Patricia Cori: The Sirians
Alex Collier: The Andromedans

Barbara Marciniak, author: Bringers of the Dawn, Earth, Family of Light, and Path of Empowerment -

Patricia Cori, Author: Cosmos of Soul, Atlantis Rising, No More Secrets No More Lies, The New Sirian Revelations -

Alex Collier, Andromedan Contactee: 1994 Interview -

These are 3 pieces of the puzzle that connected the truth for me, that we are amazing higher dimensional beings experiencing human life. I think many of us were called here to assist humanity, and I will showcase each of these contactees in the future.

Here are links to the websites for these 3 contactees -
Barbara Marciniack:
Patricia Cori:
Alex Collier:

There is a lot of information in each of these videos, it is my suggestion to bookmark this page and come back to it when you have time to dive in to the depths of this topic. Take care, I will add more content in a few days. Thanks for stopping by!

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