My fucking birthday (I'm 45 today)

Please, receive a warm welcome to my politically incorrect birthday post, i hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writting it.

It is midnight so it is november the fisrt !


I've cooked earlier with anger...

Because.. .

I have 3 days waiting for this.

From people that told me they believed in meritocracy... Yet after 9 hours of video conf and after i have drawn several times what i expect... I still dont have it.
Tengo 3 dias esperando esto...

So when you cook with anger

And hate those fucking colored plates that hide your art with some shitty depiction of an olive branch (Is that for fucking peace?)

FFS look at that olive... is it an olive of a shaven ball?

I asked someone who;

In theory does not know how to do what i asked my experts (As i wanted to check it is not my explanations...) and i got this blurry shitty photo.. but, with what i expected!


And while my son...

Is alone wearing a costume in the middle of nowhere at his grand parents house with no other children to play...

Whole fucking village is;

Rioting around the small shops with their children yelling trick or treat!

HAPPY Fucking hallowed

Hallowed by thy name


Happy fucking birthday to me!

By the way you cheap mother fuckers, no one digned to send even 1 dollar to my paypal shit for my birthday gift, but i dont give a shit, i am still spending the 300$ in tab books and nylon maiden CDs at Thomas Zwijsen store...

As the great Bruce Dickingson once said:

If you dont like Iron maiden: FUCK OFF AND DIE

"Where there is no guidance, a nation falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety."
Proverbs 24:6

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