Why I Will Never Drop The Bid-Bot Issue

If Steem is a microcosm of society - as many believe - then what would happen if we were somehow able to beat the abusive whales back and seize some prosperity for those deserving in the community? Better yet, what would happen if we were able to unite with our abusers and reestablish a community spirit - an even stronger one than we once had - that would prevent us from taking such actions against one another again?

It is without a doubt an incredibly difficult thing for us to achieve. But, if we did it, how inspired would you feel? How much self-belief in regards to our ability to make changes on a massive scale would we draw from such a victory? Even those who are for vote-selling would learn on that day that together we can accomplish the seemingly impossible.

So while I do care a great deal about the content creators who remained loyal to this community only to get fucked over by it, and all those who are or will struggle to earn because they're unwilling to pay for their votes; they are only a small part of a much larger picture that I am attempting to paint. By overcoming this brazen attempt to keep us powerless within this ecosystem, we will find the motivation within ourselves, and we will deliver it to any who observe the victory, meaning saving Steemit could very well lead to saving this entire world.

We certainly have some brilliant minds here. It was almost as if this place was a magnet for forward thinkers and those of us hungry to make a difference. I suspect it was intended to draw those very people, and to corrupt us, for I have watched in my time here some people I considered admirable give in to this system and let it turn them into a persona.

I have tried to sell my account and all the content on it for what I consider a very reasonable price; and yet no one has purchased it. I can only presume that this is for a reason. Perhaps I am yet to work with the people on here who I do admire, and even those I once did but currently do not. Perhaps it is through the purging of the immoral practice of vote-selling that we will be united under a common realisation that we were here for a reason; to learn what we need to learn, and to fight the mindset we need to fight, in order to acquire the knowledge, determination and courage to take the fight to the real world.

Is Steemit nothing more than a place where the best of us get reeducated to be just like everyone else? Or is it the canvas that we have the opportunity to draw up a blue print for saving the world upon?

If Steemit is a microcosm of the world, then why not use that microcosm to experiment with ways of making change in the outside world. Why not try and save this tiny world, rather than giving up on it just as we did with the other one we came here to get away from. If we don't, we'll all be looking for a new home when we realise our inaction helped turn this place into an exact replica of the world we were told this was to be better than.

If life wants me here - which I can only assume it does after the amount of times I have tried to find another way only to be led back here - then I would sooner believe that my life is keeping me here for a reason. And perhaps it is a blessing in disguise that I have nothing to show for from my time here, because it means I have exactly nothing to lose. I was not afraid of flags when I was earning enough to live, so now they are closer to a badge of honour that informs me I'm on the right path than any sort of penalty. So I am in an excellent position to wage this war it would seem. And I intend to do so until I am successful or I am dead, because for me getting rid of bidbots is not the goal, but a means towards unifying the team that will be needed to aim for the only goal in this world I feel is worth living for.

So if any of you think that by using bidbots on my posts you will hurt my position and force me to shut up, or force people to stop listening, or if any of you think that eventually I will shut up about it when I realise no one is listening anymore, you are very fucking wrong. It is extremely rare for me to want anything I do not need, but when I do, I don't give up on it. No matter how many times I fail, for i am not afraid of failure. I'm only afraid of not trying.

Anyway, this was just a long way to say that I don't care if my talking about bidbots often is annoying any of you. No matter how much time I spend writing a post they all essentially make the same anyway, so from now on, I am going to write about bidbots every single day until I can write no more, or until I no longer need to.

If anyone else wants to join me in this war that seems impossible, but that will provide the most significant reward imaginable, then start using the tag #fuckbidbots, as this is one of the tags I will be utilising and the more of us that use it the better.

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