What will help brighten up the "winter mood"?

What will help brighten up the "winter mood"?

Hello! Quite a lot of time has passed since the time of my last post, and winter has again come to us in Siberia, and the summer days remained only in memories ...
In short daylight hours, snow and cold make the body adapt again in a "new way", life becomes unhurried and measured.
How to cheer yourself up, how to acquire fortitude and faith in the future ....?
But this is a question for vitamins, which alas, so little becomes our body in long winter evenings.
I express a big "Respect" to those who leave with a light hand in the winter for sunny resorts somewhere closer to the equator, where they spend their leisure time warmly and comfortably under the southern sun.
Well, I personally prefer to sit at home and eat fruit from the store, by the way, there are also enough exotics there, I recently opted for Pomelo and consider it right.

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