24 Benefits of Dragon Fruit For Health and Beauty

How are you all steemit friends? .this time I will tell a few posts that the post is related in the story is the benefits of dragon fruit. please read until the end of the benefits of dragon fruit hopefully this time we know each other.

For those who do not know, here are some benefits of dragon fruit that we can take for the skin, for hair and body health, yuk listened!

Able to Prevent Premature Aging

No one wants to look older than the real age, let alone women. the presence of fine lines, sagging skin conditions, wrinkles begin and also dull is a sign of our skin began to age. The occurrence of aging is caused by cell damage caused by free radical attacks every day. indeed in the end we all will definitely grow old, it's just that no one wants to look old from the real age, right?

because of that, dragon fruit can be used as one solution to prevent premature aging because it is very rich in antioxidants that can fight free radicals and ultimately able to slow the aging process. With regular consumption, the skin will look younger, smoother and healthier. in addition we can also do easy maintenance below every week to get a tight skin that is without wrinkles and disturbing lines.

Dragon Fruit Scrub

Materials and how to make dragon fruit scrubs:

Prepare ½ fresh dragon fruit, a spoonful of yogurt. crush the dragon fruit until the pulp and mix yogurt, after that stirred until evenly and after the paste then ready for us spread on face and neck until evenly distributed. after soaking and drying, rinse with warm water and dry with a soft towel by patting. Do this treatment at least once a week, yes

this time anam.my.id will discuss about the recipe pudding dragon fruit with some variants such as dragon milk pudding, dragon fruit pudding contents vla coconut young and others. If you are interested in trying to make fruit pudding

Used to Treat Acne

Who never got acne? Everyone agrees that acne is one of the most common skin problems when puberty begins, but after puberty passes the name acne can still appear and make the appearance so not prime again. if it appears acne, then a natural solution that can be done so that the acne is not more and more is to use dragon fruit abundant vitamin C abundant and can overcome acne.

How to Eliminate Acne with Dragon Fruit

prepare ¼ fresh dragon flesh, prepare also 3 to 4 cotton balls (can be found in the pharmacy). First grab the dragon flesh, then stir it with a fork until it becomes a fine paste. then use the cotton balls we have provided, take a little paste and apply on the face of acne. Why wear cotton? the use of this cotton so that no additional bacteria or germs from the hand that can aggravate the condition of acne on our face.

after that wait for about 20 minutes or until dry, then rinse with warm water. Then when it is completely clean, then leave it to dry by itself, no need to be dried. to get acne free skin, do at least twice a week.

The Taste of Healthy Skin

.healthy skin is an asset, and having healthy, glowing skin is the greatest dream of every woman, and the great thing is that we can now get that beautiful skin in a very easy way. just pay attention to what we consume and do exercise regularly. From now on, try putting dragon fruits into the food menu that will be consumed, because this one can be a body health care agent. for example by starting the day by drinking a glass of sweet dragon fruit juice even without sugar and honey, one of the benefits of dragon fruit is to help us to remove toxins that exist in our bodies also will make our skin look brighter than before you know.

is caused by dragon fruit contains a fairly high antioxidants that are able to ward off and also can eliminate free radicals that can lead to dull skin and sagging skin. while the vitamin C content in it can also help us to brighten the skin. Very nutritious bang dragon fruit is yes.

The Benefits of Dragon Fruit For Health and Beauty

Helpful To Moisturize The Skin

for the dry skin, should get used to eating dragon fruit, because dragon fruit is indeed has a very high water content, compared to other fruit. then with the high water content in this fruit is able to provide hydration to our skin, especially for those who have dry skin and face. the way is enough to add this sweet dragon fruit into the daily diet, and this fruit can keep our skin moist.

Consumption of Dragon Fruits Can Be Healthy Hair

Hair becomes the crown of women, but men also feel more confident with healthy hair. know that dragon fruits (especially those with red meat) contain more antioxidants and enzymes that can make our hair much smoother and healthier. so, if we have less healthy hair and not sparkling, then can fix it by consuming dragon fruit on a regular basis. Can be juiced every day, or also using dragon fruit all over the hair and scalp should apply a regular hair mask. then let stand for at least 20 minutes before rinsed with plain water, then after that we can wash hair using the usual shampoo. This treatment can be done once a week in order to provide additional nutritional intake for hair.

Lower cholesterol to safe limit

Be careful with cholesterol, because high cholesterol numbers can cause death. This condition is a dangerous condition when cholesterol levels in the blood exceed the normal limit. the cholesterol itself is the content of fat compounds produced in the liver and the rest comes from the food we eat throughout the day. the presence of this high cholesterol if not immediately dealt with properly and appropriately it can endanger the sufferer, high cholesterol can bring serious diseases that cause death.

indeed the type of disease that lurks those high cholesterol sufferers are usually associated with the occurrence of cholesterol deposition in the blood vessels in the body, such as heart attacks and strokes also occur. but calm, there are so many ways to reduce and also to control the cholesterol levels in the blood and can be done, well, one of them is to consume dragon fruit regularly.

it's because dragon fruit is very rich in unsaturated fats, omega-3 content and omega-6 fatty acids in it also can lower cholesterol levels in the blood. then added to the presence of high antioxidant content, it then makes the dragon fruit has a perfect mix to fight high cholesterol. with the consumption of the fruit on a regular basis, coupled with avoiding foods that contain high cholesterol is a good way to avoid the spike in cholesterol numbers in the body.

Overcoming Constipation Constipation

Difficult to defecate and constipation? very annoying, right? Then try to overcome them by using dragon fruit. Simply consumed regularly, the dragon fruit rich in fiber content also has a high water content is ideal for eating by people who are hard bowel or suffering from constipation.

the benefits of Dragon Fruit Can Reduce Blood Sugar

Dragon fruit is not only recommended for consumption by people with high cholesterol, but this dragon fruit is also very suitable for consumption by diabetics. Well, one type of this dangerous disease arises because of the high blood sugar levels in our bodies.

it turns out the benefits of dragon fruit that can lower blood sugar levels are very high is due to the content of polyphenols, thiols, carotenoids, tocopherols and glucosinolate. not only that, with the high fiber content of the dragon fruit is also able to inhibit the spike in blood sugar that can occur after eating foods with high glycemic index. Great right?

To Improve Cardiovascular Health and Heart

know that the dragon fruit can help maintain our heart health, the occurrence of this benefit because dragon fruit can reduce high cholesterol levels in blood vessels, where it can cause heart attacks. then besides dragon fruit is also very rich in monounsaturated fat content whose role is very important to maintain our heart health.

Able to Prevent Anemia

Another benefit is to prevent anemia. so this anemia is common when our body is lacking sufficient iron intake.there are some symptoms that will arise, when our body is exposed to anemia, such as insomnia, so difficult to concentrate, chest pain, heart condition pounding and also irregular beat and so forth. so dragon fruit is indeed a choice that can be tried to overcome anemia or lack of red blood cells.

Due to the dragon fruit is very rich in iron, so it can meet about 8% of our daily iron requirement. then besides dragon fruit also does have a lot of vitamin C that supposedly can increase our body's ability to bsa absorb more iron than usual.

The Benefits of Dragon Fruits For Health and Beauty - Anemia

To Keep Weight

for a diet, would love to read the benefits of dragon fruit this one, because the dragon fruit is a suitable fruit for those who want to lose weight. especially for those who start experiencing weight gain caused by irregular eating or eating haphazardly, then you should start to consume dragon fruit. it is because in addition to taste that is delicious, then dragon fruit is also very low calorie (about 60 calories for every 100 grams).

then not only that, in the fruit that has a water content of about 90% is indeed very rich in fiber which later can make us so full longer, and also can prevent us to eat in more quantities as well.

Can Prevent Cancer

although this sounds somewhat improbable, but in fact it is already proven by a scientific study that the dragon fruit is able to prevent cancer cells developing rapidly. so this dragon fruit is very rich in enzymes called lycopene, also vitamin C and also carotene that berisfat anti-carcinogenic. Even besides dragon fruit is also very rich in the content of polyphenols that can protect us from certain types of cancer you know.

to Prevent Congenital Glaucoma

What is meant by congenital glaucoma is a dangerous condition where there is pressure on the rising eyeball, eventually can cause fatal eye damage. even there is already a study that has shown that dragon fruit is efficacious can help prevent this congenital glaucoma.

Can To Improve Immune System (Immune System)

know that the ability of other dragon fruit is to improve our immune system and obtained from its vitamin C content is quite high, also higher than carrot you know. then dragon fruit also does contain antioxidants that can help us to get rid of free radicals from our body.

nah, besides this dragon fruit also does contain a number of important vitamins and also extraordinary nutrients such as vitamins B1, B2, B3, there is also phosphorus and calcium, coupled with protein, iron, also niacin and high fiber that will work together to maintain the system our immunity remainsin fit / prime condition.Very Good For Pregnant Women

How is the benefits of dragon fruit for pregnant women? Please note also if this dragon fruit has the required content by pregnant women. because pregnant women are usually prone to anemia or lack of red blood cells if he does not take supplements of iron supplement kusus. therefore, one of the benefits of dragon fruit is good for pregnant women is none other than as a source of iron which later can raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood. then not only good for the mother alone, with rising levels of hemoglobin is also very good for the fetus because later can provide oxygen intake and also quite a lot of nutritional content.

The Benefits of Dragon Fruit For Health and Beauty

Dragon Fruit For Strengthening Bones and Teeth
Because the content of dragon fruit rich in calcium and also phosphorus, which is none other than a very important nutrient to be able to strengthen our bones and teeth. so these two nutrients are interdependent, so it's not enough to eat a diet that only has one of these nutrients to handle serious bone problems or dental problems. well, that's why dragon fruit is the best solution to maintain the strength and health of our bones and teeth, taste good too, right?

To Maintain Our Digestive System

we must know very well if fiber is very good for the health of our digestive system, then we can get it all by eating fruit and vegetables. so the dragon fruit does have fiber content that is enough to facilitate our daily defecation process. In addition it can also be a solution to other digestive problems such as constipation as well.

so another reason why dragon fruit is very beneficial for digestion, is none other than due to the oligosaccharide content. So Oligosaccharide is working as a probiotic that can help improve intestinal health and digestion in our body.

Antibacterial properties are Very Important

Then there are also other dragon fruit benefits, none other than the antibacterial and antifungal properties. so both of them are able to increase the number of white blood cells in the body that will fight against toxins and can also inhibit growth or also prevent the entry of bacteria into our organ systems. so the antibacterial and antifungal properties of this dragon fruit can accelerate the healing process on wounds and bruises.

To Reduce Arthritis Pain

the so-called arthritis is nothing but a chronic disease and it can also happen for life, usually it can even attack men and women over the age of 55 years. Arthritis can cause serious illness, irritation and immobility because of the direct effects that occur in our joints. but fortunately some fruits and vegetables that can help reduce and fight this disease, and be thankful for one of the versatile dragon fruit.

which benefits dragon fruit because it has a big role to reduce pain and arthritis caused and even this fruit is often dubbed as "anti-inflammatory fruit". so therefore, start to add this sweet dragon fruit into our daily healthy diet so that it can be used to reduce the annoying arthritis.

Increases Dengue Thrombocyte Thrombocyte

because patients with dengue fever it can usually experience a significant decrease in platelets, even worse can cause death if the patient is not treated quickly and precisely. because normally, in each person it has a platelet count of about 150,000 to 450,000 for each of its blood microliters. Meanwhile, for people with dengue fever it can only have 10,000 only, the lack of very much.

but do not worry, it's because we can raise the platelet count by adding some special fruits and types of vegetables to our diet. well, the dragon fruit is one delicious fruit that is able to help increase platelet levels for patients with dengue fever due to its strong antioxidant content.

To Increase Appetite

there are some times when we feel decreased appetite, either because it was feeling unwell or because of other conditions. In addition, no appetite may also occur when a fever or when suffering from anemia. but the good news is one of the benefits of dragon fruit was it was able to restore our appetite back to normal.

The Benefits of Dragon Fruit For Health and Beauty

To Improve Vision

if we feel the vision has begun to blur, or feel the pain in the back of the eye, then try to consume dragon fruit on a daily basis. because the dragon fruit does contain beta carotene as well as various other important plant pigments, which will have the function to protect the eyes from the harmful effects of free radicals. then in addition to the benefits of the advantages of dragon fruit is the fruit is able to prevent eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

Improve Brain Function

we need not doubt that the brain does hold the top position in the list of important organs in our bodies. so this dragon fruit has an amazing ability to increase the production of red blood cells, also contains various vitamins and also various important minerals that are able to protect our brains from various kinds of damage. various nutrients that exist in this dragon fruit will encourage nerve function and also can improve the function of our brain in general

To Treat Skin Burned

because the red dragon fruit contains vitamin B3 which can help to moisturize the skin and to release heat from the heat of the sun. if we feel sunburn, then simply mix the red dragon fruit juice with grated cucumber or aloe vera, then apply the mixture on the sunburned skin to calm and to treat it.

so is the content and benefits of dragon fruit for health and beauty.

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