Top 10 Fruits You've Never Heard Of Part 2

1.Monstera deliciosa -The entire monstera deliciosa plant is poisonous except the ripe fruit. The fruit unripe is poisonous as well, beware!

2.Cloudberry -Cloudberry, also called bakeapple in Newfoundland, knotberry in England, evron in Scotland or low-bush salmonberry in Alaska, which is not to be confused with just plain salmonberry which is a different fruit. -They are rich in vitamin C, have a soft and juicy texture with a distinctive tart taste to them

3.Cashew Apple -This unique fruit is attached to the cashew nut, now technically cashews are actually seeds not nuts and come with a protective shell -The outside is like an apple but it’s soft on the inside. The inside looks like a mango has has a taste of it’s own. -The skin of the cashew apple is fragile, for this reason is isn’t commercially shipped around the world

4.Cacao Fruit -The white flesh that covers the cocoa beans is what we are talking about here. -It’s commonly used to make 5% fermented alcoholic beverage or used in smoothies, jelly or straight juice -The taste is sweet with a little bit of tang to it -You’ll find these wonders of nature in any hot tropical climate.

5.Tarap / Marang -It closely resembles jackfruit, breadfruit and cempedak but differs in taste -They typically weigh around 3 lbs and grow to the size of 2 hands put together

6.Bambangan Fruit -Bambangan is only grown the state of Sabah, Malaysia which a state on the western side of the island of Borneo -The fruit has a very thick rind with a corrosive sap that you don’t want to get on you while peeling -There isn’t a lot of fruit on the inside and it has a giant seed which takes up the majority of the space -Locals will actually grind up the seed and eat it on salads

7.Mamoncillo -Looks like a lime on the outside with a yellow jelly on the inside -Tastes a little bit sweet and tart. The texture is very stringy and not all that juicy. -Huge white seed on the inside, 80% of the fruit is seed with only 20% being the jelly coating

8.Cupuacu -A surprising mix for sure, this fruit is actually related to cocoa and can weigh of to 4 lbs -The pulp tastes of pear with hints of banana with a distinct sour taste to it. -It’s most often used in creating sweets and desserts but has recently rose in popularity as the new superfruit -It has very thick flesh that is creamy and often used as a lotion. -Cupuacu is full of antioxidants, apparently helps reduce pain for women in labor, an abundant source of vitamins and contains phytonutrient polyphenols which help treat respiratory problems.

9.Pepino -This small fruit, that comes from South America, has the appearance of small apple or pear mixed with a squash or melon. -It grows on small bushes which is unique given the size of fruit being produced -The Pepino is native to Colombia, Peru and Chile -Commercial production of the fruit takes place in New Zealand, Western Australia and Chile. -If you’re looking to try one make sure the fruit is yellow and not green

10.Aguaje Fruit / Moriche palm fruit -Aguaje fruit is native to Peru and regions of Brazil -It doesn’t have a strong flavour, some say it tastes like a carrot but seems you either like it or you don’t -Believed to be the fruit for women, the moriche palm fruit is believed to balance hormones, reduce hot flashes and restore estrogen values -Naturally occurring phyto-hormones in the fruit mimic female oestrogen in the body, when consumed it naturally supports hormones in the body making it a go to fruit for women going through menopause -This palm fruit contains up to 12x more beta carotene than carrots making it the highest plant source of vitamin A in the world

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