Benefits of fruit cucumber Suri create the body's health

Cucumber suri (another name is cucumber surya, cucumber betik or barteh) is a seasonal plant producing tribal fruit labu-Labuan (Cucurbitaceae). Half-cooked fruits are usually sold seasonally during the fasting month (Ramadan) because their flesh is a component of a refreshing drink to break the fast. Nevertheless, cucumber is not a seasonal crop because it can be planted anytime. Cucumber suri contains high enough potassium so it is very useful to keep the body fresh.
cucumber (Cucumis sativus) although the fruit shape is elongated and resembles a cucumber. Morphologically andsitologi he is not the same as cucumbers. Leaf shape and size bijinya closer to cantaloupe or melon (C. melo). In addition, many of the cell's core chromosomes are 2x = 2n = 24 which is the same as all Cucumislain members, except cucumbers (2x = 2n = 14).
the source of antioxidants antioxidant body needs to counteract the free radicals so body not susceptible deadly disease. And cucumber Suri Laden with various types of antioxidants like vitamin a, bed, C., magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica.
launched detoxification process the benefits of cucumber Suri next is really a commendable because able to launch the disposal of toxins from within the body. One of 'poison' which can be eradicated by this fruit is tapeworms.

anti-cancer who would have thought fruit named other cucumber betik also contributed to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and tumor. All of this thanks to content saponin that can be lower cholesterol in the body.

Benefits of fruit cucumber Suri create the body's health
eric.broster (7) in fruit • 25 days ago
Cucumber suri (another name is cucumber surya, cucumber betik or barteh) is a seasonal plant producing tribal fruit labu-Labuan (Cucurbitaceae). Half-cooked fruits are usually sold seasonally during the fasting month (Ramadan) because their flesh is a component of a refreshing drink to break the fast. Nevertheless, cucumber is not a seasonal crop because it can be planted anytime. Cucumber suri contains high enough potassium so it is very useful to keep the body fresh.

Cucumber suri is not a cucumber (Cucumis sativus) although the fruit shape is elongated and resembles a cucumber. Morphologically andsitologi he is not the same as cucumbers. Leaf shape and size bijinya closer to cantaloupe or melon (C. melo). In addition, many of the cell's core chromosomes are 2x = 2n = 24 which is the same as all Cucumislain members, except cucumbers (2x = 2n = 14).

benefits of cucumber Suri

the source of antioxidants antioxidant body needs to counteract the free radicals so body not susceptible deadly disease. And cucumber Suri Laden with various types of antioxidants like vitamin a, bed, C., magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica.

help digestive system for the rich the water and fiber, then no wonder if this fruit is also good for the digestive system. You often difficult chapter, suffer ulcer, gastritis, or gastric ulcer must often consume fruit also called by the name of the other "barteh" it.

launched detoxification process the benefits of cucumber Suri next is really a commendable because able to launch the disposal of toxins from within the body. One of 'poison' which can be eradicated by this fruit is tapeworms.

anti-cancer who would have thought fruit named other cucumber betik also contributed to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and tumor. All of this thanks to content saponin that can be lower cholesterol in the body.

nourish your eyes are impaired vision such as the eyes of fuzzy or irritation, try consumption cucumber Suri Laden with vitamin A. charges of ascorbic acid and acid caffeic in cucumber Suri also able to reduce the level of water retention so swollen around the eyes can be reduced.

good for health kidney the number of water content in this fruit make the process urination smoothly. Therefore, this fruit is one of the drug diuretic natural reliable.

sharpen memory if you are pregnant, it is the benefits of cucumber Suri one this also applies to the baby growing in the content. Yes, cucumber Suri can make fetal brain be smart.

good for diabetics fruit cucumber Suri does have level of carbohydrate, but the type of karbohidratnya complex. In the sense said not a quick cause increased blood sugar levels. Therefore, fruit this one very good consumed by those who diabetes.

the source of antioxidants antioxidant body needs to counteract the free radicals so body not susceptible deadly disease. And cucumber Suri Laden with various types of antioxidants like vitamin a, bed, C., magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica. 2.1. the source of antioxidants antioxidant body needs to counteract the free radicals so body not susceptible deadly disease. And cucumber Suri Laden with various types of antioxidants like vitamin a, bed, C., magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica.

lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure content of potassium, fiber, saponin, and magnesium in cucumber Suri work together to keep the stability of blood pressure so good hypertension and cholesterol so reduced hence.
add the volume of your hair hoping hair can thicker than now, diligent eat cucumber Suri and let the content of silikanya stimulate hair growth. Of course you should also apply the pattern of hair care right and avoid causes hair loss.

nourish the nail again silica an active role for the benefit of cucumber Suri this one. Nutrition this can prevent nail cracked or damaged.
strengthen the joint this time the content of silica of cucumber Suri the performance of teeth shows usefulness. Silica very body needs to joint healthy and strong. Not only that, vitamins a, b1, b6, C., D, magnesium, folate, and calcium from fruit is very good to overcome disorders rheumatism or gout.

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