Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit..Hog Plum

Amga (Hog Plum in English) is a sort of natural product that outcomes in medium estimated deciduous trees. Logical name Spondias pinnaata Kurz (Or Spondias mombin), family: (Anacardiaceae)

The trees are 20-30 feet tall, each compound leaf contains 8-9 sets of sheets, the letterhead is 8-12 inches tall and the sheets are 2-4 inches long. Crude organic product sharp or acrid is sweet, yet it turns out to be less sweet and sweet. Natural product seed is prickly. In 5-7 years the tree gives organic product. These organic products can be cooked and cooked or cooked or cooked. The natural product comes in the market in the period of August and until October.

Component altering

Leafy foods blended natural product. It contains around 90% water, 4-5% starch and a little protein. Vitamin-C is accessible in 100 grams of pee, 20 mg of calories, carotenes 270 microgram, somewhat vitamin-B, calcium 36 mg, press 4 mg. The stock contains enough peptic fiber and hostile to oxidants. [3]

Extend alter

This tree is developed in Africa, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Indonesia.

Focal points Edit

Greasy vitamin C is rich (20 milligrams for every 100 grams of pee is accessible).

Decreases weight by evacuating stoppage.

Diminishes blood cholesterol levels.

Hostile to oxidant content keeps the seniority of maturing. [3]

Because of the wealth of iron it is extremely viable to evacuate circulatory strain.

Evacuating the stomach caused by the pee was expelled.

As the mouth swings back to the appetite, the yearning increments.

Helpful to forestall acid reflux and stoppage.

Increment blood coagulating limit.

It is very gainful for icy hack.

Keeps hemoglobin levels well.

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