photography and Soursop Benefits for health.

photography and Soursop Benefits for health.

hay friend steemit today the power will menjeladkan some of the benefits of soursop fruit
Soursop fruit is a plant that was born in Central America and South America. Indonesia became one of the country especially aceh many preserve the fruit with many epithets like jackfruit sebrang if in aceh dubbed luna luna.

Soursop meat is ripe has a white color with a little black seed. While the part that is often used is soursop leaves because it stores many benefits for health, you can find out on the benefits of soursop leaves that have been published some time ago.

Soursop Nutrition Ingredients
In the fruit, leaves, and even trees are very useful for the survival of other living beings, especially humans and animals. Various ingredients stored can play a role as a means of supporting the body's health such as carbohydrates, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C and other

The fruit also stores dietary fiber which is a non-nutritious substance, its fiber content reaches 3.3 grams at 90 grams of more flesh. Some minerals such as phosphorus (26 mg) and calcium (15mg) are also contained in 90 grams of soursop fruit.

Benefits of Soursop Fruit
benefits of soursop fruit

The large number of nutrients as has been described makes this fruit beneficial to health if it has entered the body's digestive system. Nutrients will be absorbed properly by the intestine and then spread throughout the body tissue through red blood.

Some of the benefits of soursop fruit that is rarely known to people is on the part of seeds that store toxins. Poison seeds are often functioned by farmers as natural insecticides, like seeds on srikaya fruit. Therefore, when you want to make soursop juice, remove the black seeds are tucked on the flesh.

While other uses in the field of health is also not small, traditional medicine experts register this fruit as one of the raw materials of making herbal medicine that is able to keep the condition of the body remains stable. Here are the many benefits of soursop fruit such as acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, annonacin, annomuricin, annohexocin, anonol, anomurine, caclourine, gigantetronin, gentisic acid, linoleic acid, and muricapentocin.

1 Increases Concentration

Another specialty of thiamine is to maintain brain function and improve memory and concentration. The existence of this vitamin also helps the brain free from the burden (stress) and strengthen the motor nervous system in the brain.

  1. Assist Hemoglobin Production
    The function of riboflavin in soursop fruit is very important, that is to help the production of red blood cells so that enough to flow oxygen to the entire tissues in the body. That way all the organs of both vital and non-performance can take place normally.

  2. Maintain Digestive Health
    The difficulty of absorbing nutrients and digesting food can disrupt the human digestive system so that problems such as sembeli or diarrhea are easy and the stomach comes.

For that in need vitamin B2 which will help protect the intestinal mucous membranes so that the digestive system remains smooth and maintained good condition. That way, automatically the problem with digestion can be minimized.

  1. Reduce Heart Attack Risk

From the results revealed a special feature of soursop fruit is to eliminate atherosclerosis in the heart. The disease is a condition of the heart arteries thickened so as to make the blood becomes not smooth and heart attacks easily occur. This amazing thing experts say as a reaction of vitamin C in soursop fruit.

this is all you can explain about soursop fruit, thanks.

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