rare fruit a number of areas rarely encountered

Rare Fruit Only in the Forest of Borneo

Rare Fruits - The island of Borneo is the largest island in the archipelago. Most of the area is still overgrown with various plants, animals, and wild forest located in the interior with the indigenous tribe, the Dayak. Speaking of natural wealth, the forests of Borneo have their own riches and uniqueness, including rare fruits that you can not find in your home, especially in the city.

Some of these are rare pieces known only to locals in the interior. Of course, most of the fruit has a distinctive taste and delicious. When you visit the island of Borneo, a time to take home the various rare fruit.
Rare Fruit Only in the Forest of Borneo

Below will be discussed 7 types of rare fruit that you can only find in the forests of Borneo:

1.Wanyi Fruit

What is Wanyi like? Here are the characteristics of rare fruit Wanyi:

  1. The shape is oval and the texture of the meat is similar to mango
  2. The smell is like the smell of jackfruit
  3. Sour sour taste sweet
  4. Flesh white fruit
  5. The fruit seed is large, so the flesh is not too much
  6. If cooked, the fruit remains green
  7. The tree from the fruit Wanyi quite large with a height of approximately 12 meters and the leaves are pointy and bushy

Benefits and Dangers of Wanyi Fruit
Wanyi fruit has benefits in facilitating digestion because the fruits of Wanyi have a lot of fiber. Besides useful, there are things to watch out for, namely the sap of the fruit tree, because if exposed to sap to eat will experience itching.

Original local fruit is at first glance similar to the fruit kedondong or mango. Locals call it, Wanyi. The hallmark of this fruit is the sweet, sour taste with whitish meat. However, the sap of Wanyi tree is considered quite dangerous because it can cause itching of the skin. Wanyi fruit is grown in the forest area of ​​East Kalimantan and very rarely grow, so this fruit is very difficult to get except in the interior of Borneo.

1.Ihau Fruit

A glance at Ihau fruit, a glimpse of rambutan fruit. But in reality this is not rambutan because its size is only as big as marbles (gundu). Local people call it Ihau fruit or, cat's eye. While the Dayak tribe Kenyah instead call it with duku (not the brown duku we know, of course).

Ihau fruit is a typical fruit of the original East Kalimantan and the surrounding forest in Brunei and Malaya with characteristic shiny colored meat with a flavor similar to fruit kelengkeng. No wonder the local people call this rare fruit called kalengkantan kelengkeng.

The Ihau fruit tree is quite tall and large and it becomes a delicious meal of birds and monkeys. The fruit is easy to find in the early years in the market of Mahakam, Kalimantan. This fruit is widely planted by farmers from local villages, especially in Lempake Village, North Samarinda. The price of this fruit is sold with a kilo with a price range Rp.15.000 - Rp.20.000. The price is quite cheap when compared with the price of imported kelengkeng.

Tassel Fruit

You may have occasional tasting fruit that has a feeling that eliminates the drowsiness of this :-) Rumbai fruit has a sweet taste sour acids. The fruits are similar in shape to the duku is quite famous as a typical fruit island of Borneo. This fruit is quite widespread to the Western Pacific. Rumbai fruit harvest signifies the end of harvest (season) fruits. The fruit is not too hard to find in big fruit shops in the city, including Jakarta.

The Fruit of Kapul

East Kalimantan is one of the provinces that have a very large diversity of genetic resources (SDG) scattered in several district / city wards in East Kaliamantan. These genetic resources include food crops, horticulture, biopharmaceuticals, forest plants, plantation crops, and animals that are one source of natural wealth in East Kalimantan Province.

The variety of local fruits of East Kalimantan has distinctive characteristics with other regions. The existence of local fruit in East Kalimantan is currently a source of wealth that can be used for the welfare of farmers in the area.

Kutai Barat is one of the districts in East Kalimantan that has a diversity of genetic resources (SDG) in the form of local fruits, including fruit kapamp or tampoi (Baccaurea macrocarpa). Fruit capsule is found in forest areas and yard farms owned by farmers. Kapul is one of the local fruits commonly grown in the forest or yard in the interior of West Kutai, East Kalimantan which is now already extinct existence. Preservation is done in yards, gardens or forests as their natural habitat. Currently there are two types of large pelul and small caps (jinj / kliwatn).

The Origin of Kapul Fruits:
Kapul plant grows and develops in forest area and yard dii West Kutai regency, East Kalimantan.
Advantages: It is an exotic fruit plant that has a fresh sour taste.

Description: The height of the tree is 15 m, the color of the bark is gray brown, the sap state is slightly sticky and brown, the shape of the umbrella and dense canopy, the shape of round stems, horizontal branching, the location of the lowest branch 1-5 m, the rough bark texture. Leaf length 18.8 cm, leaf width 7 cm, jorong leaf shape, flat compound leaf type, flat leaf edge, latrine leaf aternate, symmetrical leaf split, upper dark green leaf color, green leaf bottom color, pointed leaf tip, dull leaf base, glossy top leaf surface, lower leaf surface not glossy, leaf direction facing up, brown leaf stalk color. Number of new leaves / stalk / cycle 8 strands. Average fruit type, round fruit shape, fruit weight 135 grams, fruit length 6.34 cm, fruit circumference 6.56 cm, seeds 5 seeds, fruit skin thickness 8 mm, sugar content (Brix) 19,60 Brix, white fruit, the taste of sweet sour fruit flesh.
Several studies describe the nutrient content of a single cap consisting of 2.2% fiber, 1.1% fat, 0.9% ash, 34.6% carbohydrate, 1.5% protein, 61.9% moisture content and Vitamin C 1 , 5%, as well as containing chemically active saponin, alkaloid, and flavanoid compounds.

In addition, these fruit caps also have strong antioxidant activity, even the skin contains a class of alkaloid compounds, polyphenols. Some studies also suggest that through antibacterial skin activity test, the fruit of the cap contains an ethyl acetate fraction which is useful to inhibit the highest antibacterial growth of S. aureus and E. coli.

Development Potential of Kapul Fruit

The development of the fruit plant in Kutai Barat has a good prospect to be developed because this plant is much preferred by the community because it includes exotic fruit and abundant fruit every year. Benefits of hips as a local fruit of which does not contain chemicals that are harmful to human body health because it is cultivated naturally.

Cotton plants in Kutai Barat have the opportunity to be developed and cultivated in their natural habitat given the vast natural resources available in this area, suitable climatic conditions, cultivation technology is sufficiently available, adequate human resources, and the availability of a wide market both in as well as outside the region.

The Kapul fruit has a rough skin resembling a wooden surface. Large fruit kapul like mangosteen fruit, even can be said similar to mangosteen fruit just no star shape as well as mangosteen fruit.

The Fruit of Kapul is very similar to mangosteen. Only the skin is exactly like bark. Another difference is that at the end of the fruit there is no star form, while at the base of the stem there is no crown. The fruit there are two types of white-headed Kapul and yellow fleshy chest. If the mangosteen each fruit consists of five seeds, the kapul consists of only four pieces. Color of white flesh. There is also a yellow flesh capsule. Taste? Just like the taste of mangosteen. The difference, the fruit of the capsule consisting of 4 pieces of meat, while the mangosteen fruit, contains 4-6 fruit. The flesh of the cape is white and yellow.

Fruit Keledang

The jackfruit resembles jackfruit but is smaller. Keledang fruit is very rarely encountered today with the depletion of natural forests. Characteristic of this rare fruit tree is a towering height that can reach 30 meters more with wide and hairy leaves. More rare fruit keledang only harvest 5 years! Ask about the taste of Keledang fruit, has similarities with breadfruit, jackfruit, cempedak, marsaw and the family of the shell (Familli Moraceae). The fruits have a similar resemblance to a mixture of mangosteen and jackfruit but not flavorful.

In general, this rare fruit sold at Rp.2500 / grain and can be found in the suburbs of Samarinda in tropical seasons only. And the unfortunate, preservation and fit of this rare fruit plant is still not considered when the way to fit this fruit is not too difficult.
The fruit of the cocoon still sounds strange to the name of the fruit. This fruit is a typical fruit of Borneo that contains many benefits and properties for health. Fruit trees can reach 40 meters high. This fruit looks like jackfruit with different flesh color but this fruit keledang has the same benefits with Titan Gel is able to maintain and maximize the energy stamina of the body is also vitality so strong strong healthy powerful. The orange fruit flesh is orange with a sweet taste. If the fruit usually has a strong smell, this fruit is likely to have no odor.

During the fruit season, Keledang can still be found in traditional markets in cities in Kalimantan. Exoticism of this fruit is indeed lost with the fame of cempedak fruit. Cempedak smells strong and many lovers, while Keledang tends not to smell sharp.

The fruit of a cocoon is the fruit of the tribe of Moracea. This kind of fruit including the family of jackfruit, breadfruit, kluwih. Keledang comes from the area of ​​Borneo. This fruit is like jackfruit. Having small spines on the skin, the size of the fruit is the size of a futsal ball, the flesh is orange, has a small white seed, between the fruit with a separate seed like jackfruit. The size of the tree reaches 35 meters. The trunk is hard and strong.

Keledang fruit has a good compound content for the body. This fruit contains metabolites and flavonoids, as well as the content of vitamins and other nutritious minerals. The content in this fruit makes it a fruit that is not only delicious to eat, but also can be used as a fruit for natural herbal remedies. For more details, let us describe the benefits and properties of the cockatoo for the health of the body and the treatment of diseases that infect the body.

The benefits of the leaves are used to make food wrappers. The way keledang leaf was washed and then used as food wrappers. Benefits of fruit on the fruit of the fruit keledang can be eaten directly because it tastes delicious sweet taste sweetness, can be made a mixture of foods such as pudding or cake making materials. Using the fruit of this coconut aroma is fragrant and distinctive, there is the original fruit flavor. Usually the people of Kalimantan take advantage of this fruit keledang because it can grow around the forests of Borneo. The tree is easy to get, the usefulness of the fruit of the cockatoo makes the people of Kalimantan look for this keledang tree around the forests of Kalimantan.

  1. Anti oxidant

The first perkedang property is as a food that can help as an anti-oxidant. Anti-oxidants are useful functions in a diet to keep the body from the effects of free radical hazards, so that the body was not attacked by chronic diseases.

  1. Maintain the immune system

The benefits of the peledang are also capable of being food to strengthen the immune system and keep it healthy. A strong immune system will protect your body from various diseases caused by viruses or bacteria.

  1. Source of energy

The fruit of a pest is a good fruit for you as a source of energy. This fruit also contains good energy to maintain stamina. A strong body is a powerful body to support you in maintaining your stamina every day.

  1. Protecting the intestinal organs

The fruit is included in the type of fruit that can make healthy intestinal organs. This fruit will help your intestines in digesting food. Your intestines will also be healthier than the bacteria that arise from the process of digestion of food.

  1. Maintain the body's digestive system

The next perkedang property is sebagia fruit healthy body digestive system. A healthy digestive system will make your digestion also smooth. That way you can easily eat food and throw it away.

  1. Helps regenerate damaged body cells

Keledang fruit if consumed in a long time will help your body to renew damaged body cells. The body cells are not good or damaged will trigger the incidence of malignant cancer cells. For that you need a source of food that is able to nourish the body cells.

  1. Anti-inflammatory

Benefits keledang also useful as anti-inflammatory. Anti-inflammatory is a function of this fruit as a reliever of inflammation. Some conditions such as sore throat and other inflammation can heal by eating this fruit.

This fruit is the original fruit of Borneo, the tree towering up to 35 meters. During the fruit season, Kledang can still be found in traditional markets in cities in Kalimantan. Exoticism of this fruit is indeed lost with the fame of cempedak fruit. Cempedak smells stinging and a lot of its lovers, while Kledang tends not to smell sharp, but the sweet taste of refreshing acid is still a special attraction. Round-shaped kledang shape with a diameter can reach 20-25cm, unlike his family cempedak elongated. The flesh is white or reddish yellow (orange)
with small seeds inside.
The fruit is sweet and the flesh is separated from its seed like jackfruit. The taste is a mixture of jackfruit and mangosteen. The color of the fruit skin is reddish orange and the shape of the fruit is like cempedak. Keledang fruit is one of the original fruits of Kalimantan forest that grows evenly throughout the island's mainland.

Kledang wood (A. Lanceifolius) includes heavy wood (its density at 15% moisture content between 510 - 855 kg / m3). By communities around Kalimantan's forests are often used for heavy construction, household furniture, boat-making, coffins, and others. This plant also produces dye, and the fruit can be eaten.
lanceifolius is a secondary metabolite source of phenolic derivatives, especially flavonoid groups, which may be used as medicinal agents because they are cytotoxic. Some of the new prenylated flavonoid compounds, among them the types of artoindonesianin groups, have been successfully isolated from pepagan and keledang wood.

Tarap Fruit

After splitting this fruit, will look tarap-like fruit that resembles the white grains that are ready to eat! One characteristic of this rare fruit is the aroma is quite stinging. For people who do not like the typical aroma like the Pala, or cempedak, certainly will not like this fruit.

Just like fruit, Tarap fruit is also a family of shrimp (Familli Moraceae). The uniqueness of this fruit is the sap that sticks to the skin of the fruit is enough to make our hands all sticky because of the sap. It is said that this Tarap fruit has the property to restore the spirit, energy, overcome fatigue.

  1. Increase body stamina
    Efficacy of tarap the first is as a food that is able to maintain stamina. This fruit is one of the fruit with a natural content and useful to give your body enough energy to keep your stamina awake.

  2. Smooth digestion
    The second benefit of tarap is to smooth digestion. This fruit will not make your stomach hurt with the appropriate consumption of course. In addition to easy to digest, this fruit will also nourish your digestion with fiber content.

  3. Increase sexual ability
    Efficacy tarap for intimate relationship between husband and wife is to improve sexual ability. This fruit will elevate your sex drive, so that household harmony will always awake.

  4. Improve the quality of sperm
    The benefits of tarap for sperm are also very good. This fruit will provide good nutrition for sperm. That's why for couples who want to have children is recommended to consume this fruit regularly.

  5. Healthy bones
    Efficacy tarap with calcium content as a source of healthy food bones. Not only that, this fruit will also strengthen your bone structure. In addition, this fruit is also good to be a good vitamin bervitamin for teeth.

  6. Treating canker sores
    Benefits of tarap for thrush is supported by vitamin C content in this fruit is high enough. If you often experience canker sores, there is a possibility that you are deficient in vitamin C. It is better you eat this fruit in order to eradicate thrush.

  7. Anti oxidants
    Efficacy tarap as an antioxidant that expels all kinds of adverse effects obtained from exposure to free radicals. One is to keep your body cells from triggering cancer because of damaged cells.

  8. Prevent diarrheal diseases
    Benefits of tarap for diarrhea has been proven by the presence of fiber and other compounds that can kill bacteria in the digestive organs. Diarrhea-causing bacteria will be eradicated so as to provide you a healthy body and free from diarrhea.

  9. Overcoming difficult bowels
    Benefits of tarap for digestion that can overcome difficult bowel movements or defecate. This fruit will not clog your digestive tract. This fruit will actually help crush the rest of the food you eat and then removed from the body easily.

  10. Sources of nutritious food
    Tarap fruit can be the main food menu in its use as a source of nutritious food. You can add this fruit in your daily eating activities along with other fruit consumption.

Read Also: 15 Benefits and Benefits of Rambai Fruit for Health

In addition to the 10 benefits and benefits of tarap for health, there are another 5 benefits of this fruit that you need to know. Here are the other benefits:

5 Benefits and Benefits of Other Fruits:
Brighten the skin
Nourish the skin
Moisturises the skin
Overcoming ulcer disease
Anti aging
That's the 15 benefits and benefits of tarap for health that you need to know. May be useful to increase your knowledge in maintaining health by eating healthy fruits as well. Healthy lifestyle will benefit you in the future, because health today is expensive. Good luck well that's my explanation may be useful ....

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