Fringlife #003 - Never give up

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Yes, this is the world renowned Physicist Stephan Hawkings. He has left us one day ago instead of 53 years ago. Happened to watch "The Theory of Everything" few weeks ago and then came this news. Wanted to write a bit about this amazing guy.

He was diagnosed with motor neurone disease (also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Lou Gehrig's disease) in 1963 when he was 21 years old and was told that he has only 2 years to live. It is a rare slow-progressing disease that will gradually paralyse the person. What would you do if you were told of this disease?

Shortly after knowing his disease, his then girlfriend Jane Hawkings stayed with him and married him. This gives him 'something to live for' and indeed he lived for the next 50 years with 3 children and grandchildren before passing on. Beside living his life longer than doctor's expectation, he live it to the fullest to becoming a respectable scientist with his black hole theory.

This is how life should be regardless of your height, weight, looks and other disability. You are given a body and a mind to live through this game called life. With a strong higher being, you would be able to control your mind and body to live a life you wanted to. For a same situation given to everyone, there are bound to be multiple way to reacting to it. It is how we deal with each situation happening in our life that differentiate us from everyone else.

Would you move forward everyday in your life or would you give it up to the fate and let things fall by itself? You have a choice.

Sincere respect to Stephan Hawkings. Your body and mind has rested, but your higher being will still be around.


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