Cryptocurrency will show you the type of people your friends are by bringing out their true character

If you want have financial freedom, as J Rohn said

"You're The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With "

Thanks to cryptocurrency, you can now see the type of people your friends really are or if they are even a friend due to it exposing what personality type they are in regards to how they react to you when you tell them about the crypto market

  • A good friend will either act, be interest or even just ignore it your comments about it or challenge you to think more about it being a good idea or not
  • Also a good friend will be straight with you, saying they are not interested at this time or will say if they are they will ask for your help in the future if they do become interested.
  • Ones who are narcissists will just talk smack when brought up to them and be negative about it, but then they will text/talk about stuff that they experience all the time that does not interest you in the slightest way.
  • The ones who are just full of bs say they want to join and will make you waste hours of your time explaining it to them only to say they will join at a later date or not at all then 6 months passes, realizing they strung you along wasting your time.Not that they did it on purpose most times but just are too lazy to act on it
  • Then there is the one who triy to play you by just wanting to get free money from you asking for a small investment/loan that they will pay you back later but never do and use the BTC to buy something or cash it out

I thought about this after a group chat I have been part of for several years, they are always talking about things I really don't care for. usually I'll ignore more than half their texts as it doesn't bother me about the things they talk about and I put the group on do not disturb. However when I talk about BTC and the crypto market nothing but negativity , pessimism from them.

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