Speaking up,and see trths play out.

reflection.pngI would say I know this to be a deeper truth, how you treat others is how you will be treated, how ever speaking up is perhaps necessary from time to time.I have always been quite good at avoiding drama,once or twice I have gone against my better judgement, it can be a case however that you have to speak your mind.

Together people who know themselves will not be popular especially if they speak the truth about what they think, people will leave you inevitably I guess, however very few were meant to walk with you all they way, at that point in your life you helped each other perhaps shared interests at the time,helped each other along one another's journey shared good memories at the time, However we gain new interests gain new friends we become different people and just like when you declutter a room sometimes that mean people too. A good friend of mine said the other day to me, we have already lived second lives since school as its been over 15 years now since we left

To find our higher self each of us will take different paths to finding that, and to grow we try to become better people by trail and error most of the time perhaps we will meet these people again further up the scale of consciousness, to move on however if positive and exciting as well one can look forward to the future of being a better man/women, and look forward to new quality friendships. I think that's my final sentiment.

Take care.

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