金曜日の写真 No.6/Friday in pictures No.6

おはようございます/Hi everyone


I had many unexpected thing since yesterday morning, so I had a rush mind and felt not so great, but I could finish some things so I feel a bit relieved and then Saturday morning coming now.



This is a meat shop around my place and there's many fans because of super hot croquettes. We can see many people standing and waiting on the line to get some. It smells so good.





It seems these flower spaces are taken care from the people who are working at a welfare workplace for people with disabilities. These messages also from them, and says about " this is not a trash box" "Not to steal flowers" or "Please treasure the flowers" or something like that. It is surprising but I've heard there's some people who pick flowers up from such a flower space :(



The name of this flower is "Hydrangea quercifolia" . I sometimes see this flower, but didn't know the name of this. So finally I could know about this.



Last photo is a small Japanese cuisine place which is always well cleaned and filled with flowers. It is a perfect sigh for delicious food ;) Unfortunately I have'n t been there yet and always just passing by by bicycle... but maybe someday... :)

今日の1曲は、先日ちょっとしたきっかけで知った @smartmediagroup という活動のdiscordにお邪魔したときに少しチャットをさせて戴いた @sosmeditationsさんが制作したというメディテーションの音楽です。

Today's music is "Sound of Silent Meditations" by @sosmeditations from @smartmediagroup of which I just knew by accident the other day. I visited their discord the other day and enjoyed a little chatting with @sosmeditations. this music is from him.


I start writing with this music last night so I enjoyed this relaxing music. And it is interesting I feel a little different impression when I'm listening this now in morning time. I'm an occasional Yogi so I wanna start my day with a little Yoga with this music today. And actually I'm going to have the first and super small "steemit meetup" today. I'm really looking forward to it... ;)


How was your Friday...?
Even if it was great day or it wasn't, I wish you try to have deep breath and calm down... and then welcome to a fresh new day then would be perfect ;)

皆さんも @fukakoさんの「金曜日の写真」 #fridayinpictures に投稿してみませんか?

How about post your Friday with the tag of @fukako's #fridayinpictures?

スクリーンショット 2018-05-13 16.59.13.png

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