One-note Online


my desktop file screenshot

I first discovered one-note in 2013 and was instantly in love with the layout. What I liked most about it was that it was like a wire-bound spiral separated by subject dividers on my pc. Those topics could be further broken down into even more subjects. Only, shortly after I started using it, we had to pack up and move. Luckily I backed it up on a thumb-drive I kept with me. One I still have to this day. I have been moving files in an attempt to better organize those important ones, such as my photos,art and writings.

I decide I wanted to take a walk down memory lane but since I do not have one-note on any of my usable machines I had to figure out a way to see these files using the one-note ONLY accessible online. It took me a bit of reading in which I thought it was going to take me a week or more (exaggeration) that would cause me to give up for a while.

In the end all I did was sign in, go to my one drive and upload the files. Pretty simple. Now to see what is in them.


screen snippet of my ondrive

Well even after uploading them to my one-drive I seem to not be able to get into them or even know how to open them in one-note. I went as far as to download the app and got some ADVAPI32.dll error so I guess this is going to take me longer to figure out then I had hoped. For now I am just going to go back to playing in my files until I figure this out or inspiration strikes me to write something else.

If anyone reads this and is a one-note user that can help, by all means leave me a comment. And if you are coming from outside of this platform please consider supporting me.

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