Shadows of Power: A Pact with the Yokai

The Mongolian warrior sat at a secluded table at the newly established bar underneath the Tokyo Dome, his Submission Title displayed pridefully as a centerpiece. The battle had worn on him greatly, his hunger and thirst causing issues during the conflict. Valora was a fine opponent, but her battles and wounds caught up to her. If it wasn’t for the quick thinking of the dragon sleeper, the battle could have continued endlessly, and he would falter, providing victory to the former champion. The Vampire took a sip from his dark-colored glass, savoring the flavor of the blood within the cheap spirit.

He wasn’t certain if it was intended or not, however when Devin Zeagal hired the new bartender, he didn’t realize he was killing two birds with one stone. The intent was to hire a bartender to keep the wrestlers happy and complacent between fights, however, they might have missed that Joey Talledega was a fully-fledged vampire, hiding amongst the sheep. Despite that, he was offering a place for the vampires to sustain themselves. Of course, it was not as pure and not good before a fight, but it was enough to prevent starvation and random VIOLENT impulses.

There was a lot of new blood here in Japan, and a strong recruiting drive by Devin Zeagal provided a lot of new talent to grow and prosper. The Mongolian warrior watched each person in the room intently, watching them glance at his covetous title. They would need to earn their right to fight for it, and that on its own is no easy task when they would have to face him at the end of that trial. A lot of blood and broken bones to contort this piece of gold free from the vampire’s clutches. However he knew that he wouldn’t be able to hold it forever, time is the enemy of all.

His next opponent is Lulu Biggs, a massive man with a massive appetite. He has been a force to reckon with on the grand scale. Attacking and securing a base against Hammer Industries was reckless as much as it was insane. Despite that, his hatred and feud towards Valora and Vastrix grows with each passing day. Losing his friend Huckleberry Finn to injury caused by Vastrix has been a strain on him, and that makes him a dangerous opponent. Since Bold would be his next foe against his unrepentant rage, he needed to make sure he was prepared for this conflict. He finished the last of his alcoholic and blood-infused drink, standing up with his title on his arm, and left the bar. He had a date he wouldn’t miss for the world.

For the Land of the Rising Sun, Bold spent no time in the sun, keeping to the darkness of the night. He knew the trail he was walking was paved with blood. There were horrors in this country that far surpassed himself and everyone else in UOW. If left to run free, it could bring the city to its knees, along with UOW from crippling debt being stuck in a foreign land without a way to compensate their individuals. Whatever killed that family could spell disaster for anyone in the area, and Khan didn’t need the public’s eyes turning toward him and his ill dealings.

Khan returned to the Drunken Turtle Inn, and an updated poster was placed in code for the underground Sumo ring, a different location, but same tall tale signs. The Mongolian warrior stalked through the streets, unable to notice the crisp air on his undead flesh due to his curse, he instead listened to the noises of the city, the chirp of crickets, the rustle of the wind, the dead sounds of a sleeping city. The city was peaceful, belying the corruption underneath the shade of night and the monstrosities roaming within the shadows.

The Mongolian knew there was a chaotic stir out this evening, waiting for the time to strike, or for their demonic nature to emerge. The death of the family he witnessed was the cause of two entities, bloodlust of a different type. They were not kindred spirits to the vampiric nature, not keen on feeding, just creating suffering and terror, using fear as a weapon rather than a tool. Khan needed to put a stop to it before it caused more issues for him and his nightly walks and nighttime snacks. The blame would be placed on him solely due to his curse, despite it not fitting correctly. People who are afraid make rash decisions, and those decisions could leave impactful decisions, which is why he would need to control the narrative.

The smell of fresh blood filled the air, a smile creeping across the foreigner's face, his hunger enticing him, but he shook his head, it wasn’t time to feed, he had important work to be done. The sounds of the grunting of the hard-working Rikishi were a vast difference from the earlier silence of the night. Khan approached the hovel, knocking slightly on the wooden frame. The door slid open slightly, and the same bouncer as the previous event appeared through the frame, his eyes widening almost in fear, before calming back down and returning to a stoic visage.

Bouncer: Come in.

The vampire was given permission to enter the dwelling, as he strode in and stuck to the shadows, the sumos who were waiting for their turn in the dojo glanced over at the foreigner, in both distrust and also a hint of admiration. He achieved what none of them could, and due to that, he got privileges within the Tokyo Underground that they couldn’t imagine. Bold approached the three well-dressed men, smoking in the corner, various quantities of yen in different places upon their betting board. Their gazes turned to look up at the foreigner as well. They broke out in a rural Japanese accent insulting the foreigner.

Yakuza: Surprised you showed up, thought you would turn tail and run. Did you make your peace with your loved ones?

The Mongolian shifted his weight from one foot effortlessly. He remained stoic from the insult and showed no reaction. He responded in fluent Japanese in response.

Khan: Do you value your prize champion that high and my skills that low? You saw what I achieved here. Do you even value your life, insulting me like that?

Yakuza: Now, don’t be hasty, we are the Yakuza and you would be quite easy to make disappear. By the way, didn’t you meet some of my brothers last week? They returned all bloodied up and clueless. Was this your doing?

The Mongolian feigned innocence, raising his hands disarmingly, trying to draw attention away from his potential run-in with the thugs.

Khan: I have no clue what you mean, my week has been uneventful. - Khan looked down at his shoulder admiring his new submission title- Well… somewhat uneventful.

Yakuza: We will see if that title will work wonders for you against our Champion. We have a car outback, and Rizo will accompany you to the venue.

The slimy man stood up, brushing the tobacco from his clothes, followed by a large and silent tattooed man, his face a constant grimace like his face was set in stone. The Mongolian followed them outside to their Hyundai, masked with matte black to blend in with the night easily. They all entered and sped off into the quiet night, en route to extraordinary violence.

The vehicle finally started to slow down deep within the Kanagawa Prefecture, at a somewhat derelict building. The reek of decaying fish filled the air. Exiting the vehicle, Chuluun Bold found himself standing at the entrance of a dimly lit fish market. He followed the two men, walking through the almost labyrinth-style building, around fish stalls and ice baths. Deep within the bowels of the maze-like cement tomb, they were greeted by a well-dressed businessman with some muscular bodyguards on either side of him. The obvious boss man glanced towards the two members with Khan, speaking quietly and in hushed tones, before turning and addressing the foreigner in turn.

Business Man: I hear you went undefeated against my Rikishi. Quite a magnificent feat considering one of them is close to becoming Yokozuna, the highest honor of any Rikishi in my dojo. You must be a skilled warrior, your abilities seem to far exceed that of a normal human, including my highly trained warriors. I am led to believe that you are not what you seem to be.

Before the Mongolian could respond, the two men on either side of the businessman drew faintly glowing silver katanas from their sheathes, bracing them in the air close to the Mongolian’s neck on either side, almost pinned in place from certain death. Khan remained as stoic as possible, however there was a tinge of fear. These men were well prepared, beyond what he originally thought. He underestimated them as lowly thugs instead of the well-organized crime syndicate that they were.

Business Man: My name is Etsuji Yamamoto, a name you should know and remember well. You defeated my sumo, almost toying with them with your barbaric nature. When my men were ordered to obtain the cash that you stole from them, they returned with lacerations similar to claw-like wounds, bleeding heavily, confused, dazed, and unaware of anything that happened to them in the meantime. They returned on foot, leaving their car at the scene of the bloodshed. We have eyes and ears everywhere Bold, did you think you could escape this without repercussions?

The Yakuza leader stared hard into Bold’s eyes, determined and without fear. The Mongolian sat silent for a moment, taking in all the information. He thought he was being careful, but in hindsight he was sloppy, putting himself in the prime spotlight, almost like walking out in daylight and bursting into flames. Bold thought carefully about his words.

Khan: It wasn’t about the money.

Etsuji Yamamoto: We know it wasn’t about the money, you set my gambling ring back hundreds of thousands of yen for my underground sumo ring and threw it right back into the faces of my warriors. Not only did you hurt my reputation, but you also dishonored my sumo. Bold, we live in a land of the Yokai, we know how to detect the supernatural as we are far more in tune with them than any other nation. We detected your scent as soon as you set foot in Tokyo. We know it wasn’t about the money, but it was more about the primal cravings that you desire. We know you drank those bodies under the blood moon. You stench of the Tepes blood curse. I will ask again, a little more directly, why are you here?

The Mongolian faltered a bit, the first time he felt vulnerable in a long time, two glowing katanas at his neck, being questioned by perhaps one of the strongest men in the entire nation. He felt like a child being reprimanded by his elders. He felt powerless in this instance. He lowered his gaze slightly, before returning to meet Etsuji’s eyes.

Khan: Power. I seek power.

Etsuji Yamamoto: All men do, and those that don’t are cowards or weaklings. It is our job to control that power and distribute it. Despite you seeking more power, you are quite a formidable warrior yourself. We can make a deal. We will forgive your past transgressions if you work for me. Not full-time, of course, you have your own duties outside, but when I call you, you must follow my commands. In the meantime, we will provide you with what you need and desire. We both win here Bold. If you decline, I am sure your head might be a nice gift to Devin Zeagal and Rupert Mudcock.

The Mongolian was trapped, even if he tried to fight, the eerily glowing katanas might be too much for him to handle, some sort of weird magic to harm the supernatural such as himself. His eyes did not reveal his inner thoughts, but he lowered his head in a bow towards the Yakuza boss.

Khan: I accept those terms.

Etsuji smiled for the first time that evening, it was a small smile, but enough to know that he won. He nodded towards his two muscles who lowered their katanas but kept them at the ready.

Etsuji Yamamoto: This is the beginning of a beautiful partnership. Now, to the first part of the agreement.

The Yakuza boss motioned towards one of the two thugs who came with Bold in the first place. They walked over to a cooler covered in ice. He shifted through the cooler producing a crimson pouch and tossing it onto a heater. He let it sit for a couple of moments, before placing his bare wrist against the blood pouch, testing the temperature, before pulling it off and tossing it towards Bold. The Mongolian caught it with ease, realizing all five sets of eyes were upon him. The bag almost seemed to glow with an otherworldly glow.

With a fluid motion, Chuluun seized the blood bag, his fingers wrapping around it possessively. As he brought it to his lips, his eyes gleamed with a hunger both primal and insatiable. With a single puncture of his fangs, he pierced the bag, releasing a heady scent that filled the room with an intoxicating allure.

The first sip sent shivers of pleasure coursing through his veins. It was unlike anything he had ever tasted before, the blood unique and fresh, despite coming from a frozen and heated blood bag. It was a symphony of flavors that tantalized his senses, enhancing them to a feverish pitch. It was rich and complex, with notes of ancient magic and primal essence woven into its very essence.

With each swallow, the vampire felt a surge of vitality coursing through him, invigorating him in a way that human blood never could. It was as if he had tapped into a wellspring of power, drawing strength from the very essence of the supernatural creature whose blood he now consumed.

As the last drop of the yokai's blood trickled down his throat, the vampire's lips curled into a satisfied smirk. He knew that he had stumbled upon a forbidden pleasure that would drive anyone else insane. Savoring the afterglow of his feast, he knew that he had fallen right into the Yakuza’s hands, almost becoming a slave of their blood supply. Etsuji smiled even wider as the vampire finished the bag, whose pupils dilated and breathing heavily from blood lust.

Etsuji Yamamoto: Here’s to the partnership between us Bold. I expect great things from you, your first order of business will come soon, but first our end of the deal.

Etsuji nodded towards the two leading Bold, who led the blood-drunk vampire towards a back room, allowing him to savor his recent feast and recover from the euphoria. Bold felt reborn, refreshed, and recovered, ready for anything. He paced in his room, unable to sit from the burst of energy he received, waiting for his time.

After what felt like hours, one of Etsuji’s muscles came into the room and acknowledged the vampire to follow him. Bold followed the man, ready for anything. They entered a small back room that seemed to have a taller ceiling than most other places within the fish market. The room seemed to be unique. It seemed structured in a way to handle larger catches, such as sharks and whales, with sloped concrete stairs on three sides of the room with an open pool on the fourth. Right in the middle of the center of the room stood a Dohyō, raised and in the center of the makeshift arena. Etsuji stood in the middle, glancing around at the seats in the arena with technological devices in each sitting.

Towards the top of the arena, there was almost like a VIP box of some sort, with glass overwatching the ring from high above. The invigorated vampire looked up at it, noticing the faces of the individuals inside. Inside was a man with glasses. They spoke over the intercom, checking to make sure everything was set.

Rina Hashimoto: Using the same technology crosscoded from UOW, we have been able to make it almost the exact same setup that they have, but for a little mish-mash. Those placing bets on these fights will be able to watch from the stands as if they were here, except for the smells of course. With this, it also places the wealthiest betters near the front for the best view, incentivizing big spenders. Not only will this increase our income with our gambling ring, but this can also be rented to vendors to compete with UOW’s version, but ours will be cheaper with more upsides for a ‘modest’ price. All matches are set and ready to go as soon as we are good to go live.

Etsuji nodded towards Rina, before signaling to Khan to approach. The Mongolian approached but stayed outside of the Dohyō in a sign of respect.

Etsuji Yamamoto: Bold, you will be fighting tonight, and you will be facing my champion. These fights are not normal as you are probably aware of the precautions we take. You do what you do, and you will go far. You double-cross me, and well we can make good use of you. As of right now, we have yet to do any studies on the Tepes Blood Curse, so make sure you don’t put yourself in a state where you are more useful to us strapped to a table.

He takes a moment to let the threat sink in. Chuluun knows he is trapped by that threat, unable to act upon instinct or even take control of the situation, bending to do their will.

Etsuji Yamamoto: Your match will come last out of eleven rounds, the biggest combat of the night. You are free to sit in the back and watch. A humanoid Yokai such as yourself still mixes well with those that are not. When your time comes, you will enter the Dohyō first, and your opponent will come in. I expect good things from you, show me you are worthy of my trust.

Khan nodded, knowing he could probably eliminate this threat here and now, but would be quickly slain by their bodyguards. At this moment, he needed to play their game and be useful in their plots. Besides, those blood bags were a great incentive to avoid conflict, while still sustaining himself.

Khan returned to the top of the stairs in the makeshift arena, sitting down and watching the ring for the combatants. After a few moments, the pieces of technology all turned green, their power on and transmitting to their respective owner. Rina started to speak over the intercom, hyping up the matches as well as the odds for incoming payments. On a board outside of view of all the bettors, the current amount of bets for each combatant as well as the odds in total for each warrior. The names seemed to be varied in each style, but they were all compelling in their own way, mostly to strike fear and awe in the viewers, but the bets were pouring in.

The Mongolian watched the betting for his bout in particular, seeing the numbers skyrocket for his opponent and the odds extremely against him in his conflict. It seemed like the champion was heavily favored and despite the low payout, showed that the heavy favorite was the opponent. After the betting settled before the first bout, a measly 1% of the vote was for Khan. The Mongolian sat and looked heavily at the sign, before turning towards the Dohyō and staring at it. What had he walked into? A simple night turned into almost servitude at the whims of a crime syndicate.

The first match went smoothly, two small frail-looking individuals went at it, tripping each other until one succeeded, gasping out in victory, screaming in a language foreign to human ears. Bout after bout, the combatants kept on getting more vicious and monstrous, before a shark man took the bite of their competitor who bled out in the ring from their wounds, their final breaths filling the air upon applause from the gambling crowd. Eventually, the final bout arrived.

The Mongolian, letting his fear get to him a bit, started to walk down to the dohyō. He passed headset after headset until he reached its site. He climbed the stone steps into the ring, grabbing some salt and tossing it into the blood-filled circle per custom. He waited, in his traditional Mongolian cloth, waiting for his opponent. After a few seconds, the water in the water at the far end started to bubble slightly, almost unnoticed until the bubbles became too great to ignore. Eventually, the water broke, and a dark green figure started to appear from the pool. First, its head, followed by the rest of its massive frame.

The figure that stood before him was a massive turtle-like man, a massive figure complete with a shell on his back, almost as if it crawled out of the prehistoric era into the modern era. It climbed the steps to the dohyō. It grabbed salt in its massive deformed hand before tossing it into the ring and taking its stance. Both competitors gazed long and hard in the other’s eyes, before the signal to start the bout. Vampire met Kappa Daemon with the force of two semis colliding head-on, as a shockwave sent out from the massive force exerted. It seemed like a stalemate at first, Khan fighting with all he had, the blood he consumed raging through his veins, mixing with the adrenaline, and driving him to extraordinary feats. He pushed with all his strength and finally felt the turtle-like creature begin to be pushed backward towards the edge of the ring.

With brute strength and cunning, the Kappa Daemon unleashed strike after strike with its palms, smashing the vampire’s face in with massive force, his unnatural black blood spraying the front seats and the arena in general as it started to drip down his face and into the sand below. Khan changed strategies to avoid any more strikes like that, a lesser man might have been knocked clean out from those strikes, but Khan’s resilience kept him on his feet. He circled to the side of the Kappa, using his strong legs to try and topple the Kappa, but the Kappa seemed to weigh more than it seemed to, heavier than anything Khan tried to lift before.

The Daemon flailed wildly to the side where Khan was, but in exert defense, Khan ducked under the blow, circling to the opposite side and flanking the Kappa Daemon from behind. He used his inhuman like strength and struck the Kappa from behind hard right into the shell. At first, it barely, moved, the Mongolian took a small step back and quick as lightning launched again, feeling the creature stagger from the force, before pulling back a third and final time, launching with all his might, hitting the Kappa Daemon with enough force to send it toppling out of the ring and off of the center platform. The creature fell into the first few seats, twisting from the force given, landing shell dirt and destroying the concrete that set up the stage, leaving a crater where it landed. Khan looked down at his beaten foe, his face still bleeding freely from the strikes from the Yokai. With a surge of adrenaline and the thrill of victory, the Vampire let out a guttural yell, staring up at the ceiling, victory was his, he overcame the champion. Etsuji clapped from one of the front seats, before approaching the victorious vampire, a grin on his face.

Etsuji Yamamoto: Well done, you have the power of your wildest dreams. We upheld our part of the bargain, now we need you to uphold your part of the bargain. We are under the impression that you have a ring of great importance. You will not be needing it for much longer. Vastrix is meddling with things that they cannot comprehend, making deals with Chinese Yokai. I do not appreciate the filthy stench in my country. You take care of Vastrix and claim what is rightfully yours, after that, we will make our move.

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