All The Ducks In a Row - Five Minute challenge

The ducks invasion, such as it was, happened without much warning on Thurgood Street in Marsh Point, Georgia.

They had approached in small battalions, straight-lined war parties of white and brown feathered fowl that stretched throughout the streets. Their coming was charming at first; families took pictures of the creatures as the ducks stood stock-still in the roads on the Sunday night they first arrived. Children went over to pet them, the ducks not budging or even reacting to the smudgy little hands that ruffled their feathers and stroked their bills.

When Sunday night turned to Monday morning and the ducks still had not moved, that was when problems began. People found themselves confounded on how to leave. No honking of horns or revving of engines could get the creatures to move. Some tried screaming at the ducks, but even then the honking battalions didn't budge an inch. Mrs. Guilcutty aimed a leaf blower at them, hoping to scatter them. They remained unbudging, alert and still and inflexible.

One person suggested just running the ducks over. They were called down for being inhumane.

Duck stared at man, all in a row. And for a day, man let that row be a wall.

The following story is a response to the five minute challenge given at This is the first time I've tried to write something with such a time limit. Hopefully I'll get better with time.

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