Free Write #3 ~Why I really Like John Oliver

For those of you not familiar with him, John Oliver is a comedian from England that got his start as a correspondent on The Daily Show. Oliver spent several years on the show which included hosting for an extended period while John Stewart was away directing a movie.
(Image source Wikimedia Commons)
Within a year of his short stint hosting The Daily Show, Oliver got his own show on HBO called Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. It airs on sunday nights and features a 20 minute funny yet extreamly well researched rant on a wide variety of subjects. These rants are awesome. They are informative, educational and very funny.
Now like many people I do not have HBO, but luckily they are all posted on YouTube. I will give you some examples of some of my favorites. This first clip is from around 4 years ago when "net neutrality" was first in the news and up in the air. He gave such a good, funny, full explanation and definition, ("Net neutrality prevents cable company fuckery", for example.) that when at the end of the segment he made a call for people to go to the FCC website and comment, so many people did that the site overloaded and chrashed!

This other clip is a more recent one from this year that gives a pretty good definition and explanation of cryptocurency and blockchain, as well as a relatively fair yet funny current assessment of investing.

I hope you enjoyed these funny yet educational segments of the show, and find yourself as big a fan of John Oliver as I am.
Thanks for looking in! :)

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