Not complete

There immense satisfaction and a pending fear from this tree. A jackfruit but we call it "jafruit" locally I guess that's a shorten way to call it.
It's located about 5 meters from the main gate. It attracts everyone around it as everyone would sit under it especially during the day time when the sun is too hot. Its branches stretch out and wide shading and blowing cool breeze.

When the fruits are sprouting there's a joyous anticipation for those who eat it. And when they are fully grown and start getting ripe most are a bit scared that it may fall on someone. Not that it ever did or at least none that I know of. I mean I've witnessed it fall right after a person walks pass twice. Because people walk under it quite often because it's not far from the gate and other houses around. In fact considering the infrastructure of the houses in the compound it's a bit centered.
When it has fruits there's a careful inspection of where to sit and that's right off the line of the fruits. They can be pretty scattered on different branches.
I feel the benefits of it are incomplete because even the sheeps feed off of its leaves.

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