5 Minute Freewrite - Toilet


I work in the toilet assembly line. I screw the lids on and open them twice to make sure they open and close properly. I work for 8 to 12 hours a day, depending on if I need to make some extra money or not. I work weekends also. Not really a job to be proud of, I know, but such is life.

I worked night shift that day and had a big meal of Mexican food for lunch prior to work. Everything was okay until at some point – mid-work – I felt my colon groan and rumble with the sound similar to that of an old car. The pressure quickly began to build up and I could tell I needed to make my way to the toilet fast!

I ran past the kitchen and past my boss’ office to the toilet only to see both the stalls had their signaling colored red. Both stalls were in use.

”How much longer?” I yelled.

”Just got here. Sorry mate,” said the person in the first stall.

”hemorrhoid problem here. Takes a while, I’m sorry,” said the person in the second.

“%&@/(%!!” I cursed out loud.

My colon made a very loud sound again, notifying me it can’t take it any longer. I needed to poop. Badly.

I looked around the place in hopes to find something close. There were so many toilets everywhere, yet not a single one I could use.

The trash bin? The urinal? The sink?

I’ll spare you my choice.

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