5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: syrup

Today i challenged myself with the daily prompt as suggested by @mariannewest. It's really an interesting topic and something that might be hard to talk about in 5 minutes.

Google Image Source

Well, here goes nothing..

The Topic : Syrup

'Today's topic is about syrup. What can we say about syrup, most of us will think about the syrup that is used for ice cream. Like, chocolate syrup, hmmmm...yum yum. I love my vanilla ice cream with a chocolate syrup on top, not to many though, just the right amount and sprinkle with some chocolate chip and blended peanuts. Its so delicious that when i am typing this, i feel like going to the fridge right now and have that right away...unfortunately i'm still typing till the 5 minutes are up. After that than i will definitely go there and satisfy my tummy..lol. Some syrup that i can think of is what we Malaysians use as a flavored drink. There are 'Orange' flavored syrup, and even'Rose' flavored syrup. Imagine that...a flower flavored drink. I guess that's my thought about syrup. The End.'

Unedited version...only spellcheck...no topic search before writing...typing whatever comes out of my head

Yummmmyyy! (Google Image Source)

Told you there is such syrup..lol (Google Image Source)

The other famous syrup i did not think about was the pancake syrup, only noticed this when i was searching the web for pictures. I guess here in Malaysia, fried unleavened bread or 'Roti Canai' are more preferred than pancakes. No syrup required, only dip it with Curry and Dhal...it's making me hungry already...lol

Roti Canai (Google Image Source)

Thanks again @mariannewest, till the next topic...

@kulasago ...your turn.

Steem On..


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