Here comes the darkness - 5 Minute Freewrite - Children

The other day I used the turbine prompt. I want to continue that story, so I will do that with todays prompt of children. You can find the first part of the story here:

And so there was the freak, standing there, red blood-shot eyes gazing at Ross and Sarah. In that moment, thoughts of her children flashed through Sarah's mind. Two girls. Two lovely girls. Would she ever see them again? How were they going to cope in a world like this, without their mother? Who was going to support them?

The thought of it all gnawed away at her stomach. Vomit seemed to be but a moment away. They only thing supressing it was the hope that somehow they could get away.

The freak lurched forward, arms dangling by its side, towards them. Ross jumped over the metal railing at the side, screaming at her to do the same.

'Sarah, quick, over the side!' shouted Ross. Quickly Sarah jumped to the left, and lowered herself as much as she could. Her right hand slipped, and she fell, the freak slashing out at her only seconds later.

It went a little quiet, and time was slowing down. Her two girls were in her mind again. She was falling, and further than she had planned. Sarah really hoped she would make it.

A thud, then everything went quiet, and black.

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