Prompt of the day - Feeling the love- the most beautiful feeling......

The most beautiful feeling of world is only love. When you are feeling love for someone, that person remains very close to your heart.

And according to me its the biggest thing in this world to make a little or big place in someone's heart. Becoz it very easy to be hated by someone but very difficult to be loved so much by someone. But its the best feeling when someone feeling so much love for you.

Its not only happens in personal life but in every feild of life.
In school you make close friends which always feel love for you. Their feeling of love protect us sometime from the punishment of teacher, sometime in help in doing homeworks, and sometime gave company in loneliness. If there is no feeling of love we never wish to go school.

Similar way, on this platform we make little place in our friends heart by appreciating their works, supporting by upvotes, making little fun with them.
In return we also get feeling of love.

So its all about making good friends, good relations and little place in their heart than making better content. Becoz the first appreciater of our work is always our good friends and closet loved ones.
They are only who knows the hidden best thing in us behind the worst thing.

So making the feeling of love in someone's heart is most necessary.

But always remember feeling of heart is only heart feeling don't try to understand it, just feel it.

I also make a little space in my friends heart and its only their feeling of love which supports me to reach at this position.
Its a little thank with my great love to @kenny-crane, @d00k13, @elikast, @vasilstefanov, @sarkash, @kalpnavasya.

Feeling of love, feeling of love
The most beautiful feeling
Feel with your heart
For which your heart is feeling

That is your love
Very near to your heart
Feeling of love for which
You are feeling

Make love and share love
Your love make fall everyone
In love with you
Feel the feeling of love
Which your heart feeling

The most beautiful
Feeling of love
You are feeling
Make everyone feeling

We are steemit family. And a family become more more strong when there is a strong feeling of love. So spread love with all your steemian friends. Give love to everyone, you will also get lots of love in return. The more loving friends you have, the more you are lucky.

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