Day 286: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: pitiful. (my freewrite 22)

So as I sit here, pitifully trying to think of something interesting to write about this prompt, I am coming up completely blank... Pitifully blank in fact. So I am questioning myself as to why I am even writing anything. Am I genuine in my attempt to come up with five minutes of creativity to provide an interesting post that people want to read, or am I just going through the motions of putting up something, anything with enough to get past the "quality content" requirements of many of my autovotes? Is an average post, without much substance, just a pitiful attempt at getting votes without much thought.

source pixabay

I do believe that Quality content is important here, and I do always try my best to be interesting, and make my posts worthy of a read and the votes that follow. However, yes I do find myself at times trying to come up with something just for the sake of a post. Content just for content's sake. This post, I don't believe is just that. It is a peek into my mind and thought process, I had no idea what to write about, so as usual I look inwards. My own harshest critic at times, and that really can be pitiful. When we are harsh and negative towards ourselves, how does that encourage creativity, expression? It doesn't.

One of the main things I am trying todo here is let go of many hangups I have. I have spent so many years of my life telling myself I am boring, no one would be interested in what I have to say, or write, or whatever. However, that isn't true, I know logically that isn't true. I have found some people here that do genuinely follow and read my posts, are interested in me and my thoughts. So pitiful, I am not. This post isn't pitiful, despite my lack of ideas or creativity today, I have come up with a post worthy of being read. I think.

I am interested if other people feel the same. We all probably started here with the goal of making money. I know that I didn't come here for any other reason. As with most people "come for the money, stay for the community" seems to be the norm. But is that true?? Would we stay if there was no money? I can say yes I would, but I am curious as to how many at this point would stay if there was no money here, no STEEM to be made? Interesting thought to consider...

This is a short opinion piece written for @mariannewest 5 minute freewrite challenge. Check her feed out to get involved, you may find you have more creativity than you realise - I did.

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