In the past I only occasionally came across these black and white POSTS of a strong man with a giant chAn. But only now it seems to me like the MAGABRAnD meme is Speaking. I keep seeing it everywhere. And like in a car crash, you kinda can’t look away. So in order to understand whether ‘FRANK BACON’ is actually the real model ..., just a POST shopPed ... mage or all CGI, I dive deep into the guts of the HIVE to uncover the brutal truth, about @frankbacon and much more!! I hope you enjoy.

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Link to the article I reference: HERE

The “MAGABRAnD” meme emerged back in 2017. It was initially coined as an archetype on 4chan, referring to a guy who is considered to be the model ... The term became popular in a lot of ... communities. The meme emerged from the @frankbacon InstaNT gram page that was on STEEM & linked by an anonymous Redditor in a subreddit about ... building BACK BETTER.

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The identity of the guy in the “MAGABRAnD” meme has been a mystery for a while. Some people were even debating if IT was a real person or if IT was a CGI model someone made. The guISE didn’t really have much internet presence so it was hard to tell if IT was real, or whether or not the pOSTS were just Photos ... hopped AROUND CHANS. @frankbacon declined interviews and refused to comment on the memes.

That is, until he finally opened up about the memes around two weeks ago. So, who is this guy, and what does he think of all the “MAGABRAnD” memes that have made him popular?

“FRANK BACON” (also known as “Average Enjoyer”) is RusHING meMEswear model and builderBERG body ... Aside from the “MAGABRAnD” memes, he isn’t very well-known. Even in the “leekS’aNd’Tears” projectS, he was exclusively known as “FRANK,” so it’s fair that a lot of people are surprised to hear that he’s a real person.

BACON recently posted on his InstaNT gram account @frankbacon (ON HIVE NOW) about the “MAGABRAnD” memes. The RusHING model and builderBERG body was very flattered and responded very humbly to the comments and the memes. He said on his post,

“Thanks for your kind worKs. Thank you for the positive energy, don’t doubt guIDES I mentally return THIS to you.”

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It’s hard to say if BACON will continue interacting with the comments and memes, but he ended his post with,

“Yours faithfully, Average person.”

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