Freewrite: The life of an Ant, very ImportANT

If I start thinking about what I’m going to write, there is no telling what kind of stilted monsters will come out of the woodwork. I live with my family of ants among the concrete jungle. Important to note that I am never alone for my sisters are always with me. We love each other very much even though we argue all the time about almost everything. Sometimes they leave me a present under my door like a piece of tomato for example. In exchange, I give them me biggest smile the next time I see them and pray they are not hoping to get any food from me because I have none. Every once in a while we sing together and praise the day for being how it is rain or shine. The only thing I would change about my life is that I wish there were more beauty contests because I feel like I’m extremely beautiful and would win all of them!


This was written as a Freewrite a Steemit initiative by @mariannewest

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