Weekend Freewrite -8/18/2018 - Single Prompt Option : Toothache


Today is Sunday here and you need to pick a single prompt. It coincides with the prompt: Toothache

It so happens that I had my toothache yesterday as you can see my bad teeth. I believed most of us have this toothache experience during a younger or older age as it is a natural process that all of us will "change" a new set of a tooth during the childhood days. And to remember, your tooth will only regrow ONCE in a lifetime. So, make sure you learn how to take care of them.

To be frank, I am very afraid to extract my teeth from younger days until now. As a result, I still have a couple of broken teeth with me. I keep them for not for fun but simply because I am frightened to let the dentist put injection on my gum and the pain during the process of extracting the teeth.

During my mobile app training workshop yesterday, I could feel my half broken teeth pain. Although it has recovered quite a bit and I could still feel the pain when I touch that teeth.

As you can see from the photo, if I pull off the painful teeth, I will leave with no more teeth. Then I will have trouble to chew any food. I can opt for a set of denture but I still have broken teeth. Why I do not extra it? first thing is those broken teeth are still strong and it does not ache. Secondly, I am still able to use it to crack peanut which is my favorite nuts.

Anyway, I know it is not a good practice to leave bad teeth but I have no idea which is the best choice



This Freewrite article is written by @Digitalmind

You are invited to join the fun. Here is the link to the details of the daily prompt by @mariannewest

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  • Unless otherwise stated, all photos are taken by @digitalmind


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