Day 305: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: tears

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Tears is a natural process of your body reaction to a situation. Some of the situation can cause you to drop your tears are:-

  • You are in a very sad emotion
  • Your eyes have been subjected to acute environment around it such as cutting an onion
  • Your eyes are in contact with with foreign substances such as smoke, dust etc
  • Sometime, your are emotionally disturbed by what you see such as a movie story

Whichever situation that causes you to tears, it is some emotional reaction to that situation that you could not hold it but to drop your tears. You may not be able to explain what causes it but on almost all cases, the duration is not the same. In the case of foreign substance, your tears is your body defense system to cool your eyes when it is in contact with heat from smoke. Or your tears is to wash away foreign substance such as dust to protect your eyes

Example, if your eyes is in contact with dust or smoke, you can wash it with running water and in most case, it will stop tears from dropping. On the other hand, if you are emotionally disturbed by a sad thought or faced with a sad situation, you tears may not stop even if you wash you eyes.

Whatever the reason for dropping your tears, it is either for the protection, or meet with emotional relief.


This Freewrite article is written by @Digitalmind

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  • Unless otherwise stated, all photos are taken by @digitalmind


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