Day 302: 5 Minutes Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: door knob


Door knob - perhaps one of the most common in this region with a key for secure locked. This door knob served two purpose

  • to close the door and catch it to a firm position from the unwanted opening
  • to secure it with a key set from unauthorized open

Of course, there is much more different made. Some are heavy duty while some are decorative designs. There goes with the price too. And the price range can be hundreds of dollars for a decorative or highly secured door knob.

For most of you, the selection may depend on your budget or application or usage. But it is common that a more secured type is used for outdoor or the main door while the decorative type is for indoor.

Of course, the door knob is designed to be used for doors in most cases. Whether wooden or metal doors. Sometimes it may be used for cabinets too

On other incidences, does it call the same if it is used in car door, Refrigerator Door, even for the airplane door? Frankly, I am not sure where it is also called door knob.

What is your choice of door knob?


This Freewrite article is written by @Digitalmind

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