Purpose (#5MinutesFreeWrite)



He opened his eyes at 5am everyday, hurriedly prepared something to eat, swallowed, bathed, dressed in clothes that he deemed uncomfortable and went out to the office. Mr. Smith worked as an accountant from 8am until 5pm. It was a good job, it gave him plenty of money and a good resume, also, the company's staff was kind enough.

Every day he repeated his routine. As an automaton he would get up and repeat each step as if he had taken it thousands of times, in fact, he had taken them many, many times more.

One day, his boss put him aside and told him that he would have to stay up all night working to bring the company up to date with the account of an important client, a task of utmost importance.

That night, alone in front of his computer, he heard his spirit screaming deep inside him. With every minute that passed he heard again the cry of his soul, more and more noisy and deafening.

The next morning he approached his boss and resigned. He was met with an expression of confusion. "Why do you do this Smith? You are the best employee we have. Disciplined, hardworking and always willing to do as he is told." Said his boss.

"I have realized that my soul desires something more," he replied. "I have intoxicated it by living a life that does not belong to me. Now is the time for detox."

"And what will you do? You need us, Smith. Without us you are nobody, you are worth nothing."

"My worth is null because I am dead, I just did not know it. Now I will follow my true course and come back to life. Maybe I am an artist, maybe a carpenter, I don't know yet. I have to answer a lot of questions, I must get to know me, truly, without forgetting to be faithful to my own person."

"You sound like a lunatic, Smith. But you've been good to us so we won't make your departure any more difficult. Thank you so much for your years of service, Smith."

"Robert, my name is Robert."

First things first: I have nothing against accountants! (But that's a profession that just doesn't suit me, so I used it for my story). I'm not a old soul, I'm 23 years old but I've found out that a lot of people seem to live a life that they do not enjoy and that's terrible! Life is about you (but at the same time it is not!), get to know you, your true self. You have potential, you just have to know where to look. Don't kill your dreams for they are extensions of your soul, follow your path, make it. Never settle for things that don't fulfill you.

This is my contribution to the #5MinutesFreeWrite initiative hosted by @mariannewest, @freewritehouse and @latino.romano. If you'd like to participate check this post. Today's prompt is "detox"

Image courtesy of Marcelo Colmenero at Burst

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