Five 5 Minute Free Freewrites

They’re less likely to be interested in something they can find at DuckDuckGo, that doesn’t always count as real enough. A recap of events isn’t guaranteed to keep their attention, either, if the events can be found online regardless if you’re attaching your own photos and explaining the events through your own experience—that doesn’t always count as what you think. It does, however, always count as writing about what someone else already thought. They aren’t even necessarily as interested in knowing what you think as they are in knowing what you’re think-ing...


5 Minute Freewrite No.1:

Me elders must think I’m an idiot. At least the majority of the time, I know what it’s like. Like trying to listen to a 20 year old say anything at all to me without it going right out the other ear, it’s difficult. That’s how stupid I must sound to my elders. One of my best friends is 70, I must sound like a complete moron to him! Thats funny. That’s probably why he keeps me around—free entertainment. Where ya at @carklevicci?

Don’t take it personal 20 year olds, we were all 20 once and, what I mean by that is, we all thought we were king ish one time while unknowingly assuming the roll of the dumbest person in the room. It’s not just you, we’ve all been in that room. You’ll see what I mean in 20 years when you look back at your 30’s like what you thought to be great was actually weak compared to your 40’s which only logically concludes your 20 year old memories are all but forgotten. That was the decade you wandered around aimlessly and the fact you didn’t die is a miracle itself. Ok—the timer just went off.

This isn’t part of the freewrite, I’m just curious if I should pause in between these freewrites to attach pictures—danget! I should’ve included this paragraph in the freewrite. Rather than address one of the topics I have written down in my phone, I could’ve went on a tanget about attaching images during this article—stop! :time out: I’m starting this paragraph over.

5 Minute Freewrite No.2:

I’m wondering if I should pause in between these freewrites to attach pictures. I’m not sure what kind of images I’d use, the first thing that comes to mind are numbers. Instead of writing “No.2,” for example, I could link an image to a 2. I’ll try it for the next freewrite and see what I think.

Maybe I shouldn’t have started that paragraph over is what I’m thinking right now. 🤔 I’m realizing now there isn’t much excitement in writing about how I may or may not attach images during this thing, the fact that my elders must think I’m an idiot is a lot more entertaining. But I’m in it now, know what I mean? Image, image, image, you can bet I’m going to add one for the third freewrite but a whole freewrite about it is a little ridiculous if you ask me—I should’ve thought this through. I could use the sound of that timer any time now, “where ya at, timer?!”

It still isn’t here—danget. Three paragraphs later about possibly using an image to introduce these things—lame. I just checked it, I did click “start” but that thing’s taking a long time. Here we go some more, I know I set it to 5 but the more my thumbs get to rambling the more I’m curious if that 5 was actually a 15. Ok—the timer just went off.

5 Minute Freewrite No.



What happened to the guitar riff? Remember those things? Man, where’d all the strings go? When I was growing up everything had a guitar riff. They were usually right in the middle of the song, then guitar riffs got combined with ballads when bands like Mötley Crüe started doing ballads—I know you know all of the words to Home Sweet Home (I advise against leaving this paragraph before listening to that whole song #NikkisRiff).

#Music doesn’t do that anymore. Anytime I hear a good guitar riff these days, it’s something I already heard. Music got real electronic. Between club music and dance music, then hip hop and all of today’s pop culture, it seems like the only guitar riffs we hear anymore are in country songs. The guitar has been replaced by a computer.

Not that computers don’t sound great! Auto tune—not great. But I’m one of those—can make music with a computer. I never tried the guitar, though, other than air guitar, I can play a mean air guitar—behind my head and everything. I was into the turntables.

All of the old rock and roll type music I remember from back in the day had guitar riffs. I think right around the time Violent Femmes came out is when guitar riffs began phasing out. Ok—the timer just went off.

5 Minute Freewrite No.4:

HF-22 is off to a pretty good start, don’t you think? I’m seeing more and more of the big wallets introduce themselves and not just to me, either, a lot of the people I follow and have been following for a real long time, people who have deserved to be rewarded for their efforts are starting to be acknowledged—congratulations! “Thanks, big wallets!”

I used to see the mentions down in an authors comment section where they were being acknowledged and thanked for the big Upvote they bought their self. I’m not seeing as much of that anymore. At one point, I even had a guy explain to me the only reason he does that is to accelerate his reputation. We went back and forth several times about that reputation score, he never helped me understand its value. If that’s what a lot of people were interested in, back in the vote buying days, was raising their reputation, then it must hold value. There’s probably an exchange somewhere where it can be traded, I just haven’t found it yet. 🤔

A big shout-out to the steem developers for unrolling the carpet out as smoothly as you did on that one, “thank you!” Remember HF20?! Ooh wee! 22 was a walk in the park compared to that one and 21 was smoother than that, great job you guys, #newsteem is definitely a step in the right direction. Ok—the timer just went off.

5 Minute Freewrite No.5:

What’s up with the sympathy votes? I’m not even sure how to acknowledge a sympathy vote—I’m torn between an F and a thank.

Another thank you due to HF22 are all of these big wallets smashing down the gas pedal on curating. We’re seeing Dan (I think that’s what they call him), Acid, Nomad and them, doing things like hosting competitions and asking Steemians to namedrop. Right on ya buncha deep pockets—thanks for noticing! 👍🏿

Well, when you receive a mention back from someone you already mentioned and they’re like “don’t forget about @dandays,” that’s a sympathy vote. What’s the proper way to acknowledge one of those, “thank you?” Sure, yeah ok, uhm.. Thanks for telling me “thank you” in the form of a namedrop and I’m aware the only reason you’re here mentioning me right now is because I mentioned you first. Don’t worry, this doesn’t change my opinion of your material, I’m still a big fan of your work and believe you deserve namedropped but the sympathy vote in return has me reconsidering my nomination tactics.

Danget! This last freewrite seems to have veered slightly toward personal street, I always try to leave my emotion (just one, no “S”) in the other room when I’m online, I could really use a little saving by the bell about now—incredible! The epitome of perfect timing. Ok—the timer went off.

Total edit time less than 30 minutes. Inspired by @mariannewest.



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