Day 98 - 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: round is a shape

It has no definite form,
It maybe a group of lines with a part of an angle or a curve.
It maybe a silhouette of someone we love.
It can be a sign of someones beginning or adventure.
Comes in different phases. With no specific grouping, and a lot of it.
It can be someone molding you to fit that specific description this free write is supposed to describe.
It can make sense like a circle or a square, or an abstract with a lot of angles that start with letter z.
To be a form with specific sides and the number of its angle to to serve as your prefix. It is something that we are suppose to fit into, or else, we wont belong in that specific group.

I tried making sense as much as possible but I'm at lost at the latter part of this free-write. Anyway i'll try again next time.
Thanks for reading if you ever read this! :)

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