“System” A Freewrite


My son and daughter at the Sheep Stall on Easter Monday

I have noticed throughout my life that I tend to be unlucky when it comes to winning the lottery, gambling, tournaments, things like that. Fortunately, for me, I am unlucky but I like to say that I am charmed.

For example, I am never late, I always remember important things right at the last minute, and I have these accidental moments where the stars seem to align or there is some sort of system in place that allows me to witness and experience something utterly magical.

Meeting my wife was one of these moments for sure (that's another post), my assignment in the army (yet another post), and even when I joined a wildland firefighter crew out in South Dakota, fate would have it that I was put with the best group.

Today, though, I wanna talk about what happened to me this morning. I got my three little ones to daycare and I was scheduled to meet at our new house to help the landlord install a septic tank.

I successfully got all the kids to daycare on time, which is always an achievement in itself, then I got a call from my wife saying that my son had a special program today at the school and he needed his gym bag.


My son riding his Laufrad

I was driving at the moment already headed to the new house with 10 minutes to spare. I turned the car around and rushed home as fast as I could. I grabbed the back and sped off to the school where I was unsure where my son's group actually was.

I opened up a random door and there he was with his fellow classmates sitting on a bench in front of a crowd of kids receiving a certificate for completing a sporting event.

The look of pride on my sons face as he held his certificate posing for a picture, was a priceless rare moment of joy that I am lucky to experience sometimes in life. He never even noticed I was there and I got to see him as a fly on the wall as I have never seen him before. In that moment I imagined a whole future filled with certificates and achievements and that is my son up there doing that stuff.

All sorts of random events had to occur today in order for me to experience this memory that I will cherish forever. I even made it to the house only 5 minutes late!

So are they accidents? If so why do they feel so powerful?


Playing on the farm

Regardless of why or how I am thankful to get them. It's been a tough road and these glimmering sparks of life help to light the way. I hope I never forget my experience today on a random Friday in April of 2019.

So my 5-minute rewrite has turned into 25 minutes but I just kept on going!

Thanks, everyone for reading have a wonderful weekend!

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