#Freewrite - Junkyard of Immortal (short story)

The reminiscence of an outdated robot who was once a human.


This is my entry for Day's 36 of #freewrite... I didn't follow the rules exactly this time as this took a bit more than 6 minutes (the rules say five minutes)... But I liked this story so much that I have an urge to make a series about it (with a backstory and all).

The prompt: Junk

The title is something I came up too fast, I don't think if it suits the story but lets see...

Junkyard of Immortal

Endless junks were in front of me. and I was one of them...

It's been hundreds of years since I implanted my thoughts and memories into the robot I'm inside right now... I was proud at the time, I realized my dream of immortality.

But those ages are behind now... My circuits became outdated and this old metallic body of mine decayed... One day the people "above" decided to dispose of me...

I can't even shut myself down, and the idiots who disposed of me forgot to do that.

And here I was, in this junkyard... waiting for my CPU do die like the rest of my robotic body.

What would the human me feel about this, afraid? The Dream of immortality wasn't worth it after all...

[The End]

image is from pixabay.
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