Client No. 04

I deeply apologise for the wait. I had to take care of some minor morning chores before I could begin.


Thank you for your participation in my free tarot contest! Here is your 1 card 1 rune free reading!


Card Question:
Will Client No. 04 be done with their moving by November?



The Queen Of Wands! Such a beautiful card! The card is a compliment from the universe saying "You go girl!" and "You got this!" What I am seeing and feeling is that you will not only achieve what you need to get done by your self set goal, but you will also be possibly even having a head start on your next goal as well!

In other words.. Go get 'em girl! The universe is rolling in your favor!

Lets move on to your Runic influence now!

Runic Influence

I know I said only one rune, but two decided to come out at the same time. I am not a weaver of destinies, I just interpret the meanings from an empathic point.


(Above is the image of how they came out of the pouch naturally.)
(Below, I flipped the turned over one so we could read it.)


The bottom rune is called Laguz and is the letter L in the Runic Alphabet. This rune presents Water, Emotion, Fear and Feminine energy.

From this rune I am getting a sense that you are having Mover's anxiety and have very mixed emotion about your new place. I also sense confidence in all that emotion that needs to come out to the surface and ride out the waves of anxiety.

Laguz is telling you to work on calming the tides of your mind and spirit. Everything is going to be alright.

The top run is called Mannaz it is the letter M in the runic alphabet and presents Masculine energy. Man, humanity, self and family.

From this rune I sense that you are battling some anxiety that is both family related, and at the same time self related. Maybe there was an argument before the move between a male friend, partner or family member and you are beating yourself up about it. The reason I get this feeling, is because it was upside down out of the pouch.

My advise for you is.. Before you move, make any amends you need to make, so that you can settle into a well focused, and well energised moving pace so, that you can meet your deadline. It may be hard. Especially if what I am feeling is true. Even if the other person is the one with the problem. The attempt to make things right will help calm some things in your own soul.

I am excited for you! I hope your move goes very well for you, and I hope that whatever speed bumps that pop up are small and easy to smoothe out.

This concludes my reading for you Client No. 04. Have a wonderful rest of your day, and a safe journey where ever you are moving!

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