Relasi antara fact-check, social media and kita

Fact check is not the job of those elitist, it's us who decide what's important (as news) and what's true or false. Because in the end, it's our interest what's affected.


New era begs for a new paradigm,
because those 'fake movement' will be proliferated preying on your innocence - code is obvious "empire is falling"

the only down-side by this method is that some people are often not responsible for what he/she said. There's no temple to stake = low risk to say the lies.

this is why you also need to verify information proactively, use your brain and search engine very well.

And also the most like, share, agreement (comment) doesn't mean that's the truth. Don't fall to the monkey trap, if you falling just get up again.

anxious to get the truth > contentment of ignorance

Also last thing : social media is the one preventing us to get the information and keeping our-self watching those authoritative source like television and government source which is really bad. Limited information source is bad


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