Digitalist Number 2 - Preamble

  In recognition of those truths, which are self-evident, that all individuals are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these rights are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. In recognition that any attempt to abridge those rights, by any power or individual, foreign or domestic, public or private, is an act of tyranny on not only the parts, but on the whole. We the denizens of the Internet, in order to create a more perfect experience, establish justice, insure digital tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and to our posterity, do ordain to establish this Constitution for the Internet.   

It's important to note that even if you don’t believe in a “Creator” per se, the wording which was borrowed from The Declaration of Independence still applies. The true value of the mentality is the understanding that our rights do not come from any form of government, but rather they simply exist. There may be people who disagree with this idea, but then we have to ask the question; if our rights are granted by the government, then is it truly an infringement of our freedoms when the government takes them away? A government, organization, or individual is only capable of being tyrannical if we acknowledge that our basic fundamental human rights are not granted by them, but rather are required to be respected and upheld because they exist outside of the power structures. Only then can we truly have meaning when we call an act of tyranny tyrannical. If our rights are subjective, then so is any form of oppression that comes from the curtailment of said rights. Any government powerful enough to give you everything you want is also powerful enough to take everything away.   

As quoted by Mitch The Ripper, an act of tyranny is not exclusive to governments, however. An organization, corporation or even an individual is capable of tyranny. As he states it, a social media platform censoring opposing viewpoints is an act of tyranny. A person taking your lawn mower from your yard is an act of tyranny.   

Yes, it is expected that a just government will protect the rights and freedoms, but that does not mean they grant those rights to you. We are born with the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Therefore, any government, organization, corporation or individual that tries to infringe on those rights is being tyrannical. And, when we all work together to create a more perfect experience, establish justice, insure digital tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty, then we will be able to effectively combat tyranny in its many forms.   

I acknowledge that this document may never be adopted by the majority of the world, but it is important to have something that we can use to discuss the ever-rising tide of censorship and tyranny both on the internet and in the real world today. I’m also not going to throw around the words tyrant or tyranny just willy-nilly until they lose all meaning. I try to choose my words carefully, and I understand that a single act of tyranny does not make a full-fledged tyrant, in the same way that a single, small, factually inaccurate statement does not make a liar. But just like pointing dishonesty, no matter how small, it is important to point out acts of tyranny, regardless of size. Otherwise we become the proverbial frog who is unaware it is slowly being boiled to death. 

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