FREE Ross Ulbricht, NOW! ~ #novictimnocrime

Do you know who Ross Ulbricht is? Most people in the crypto/freedom/dark web circles certainly know who he is. He's the creator of the now defunct website The Silk Road. An internet marketplace on the dark web where people were free to buy and sell whatever goods they pleased via cryptocurrency. Most being illicit drugs.

As someone who believes that the transactions two consenting adults make is none of my business and they should be free to do so, even if don't personally agree with their choices, I find this justice handed down to Ross as an albatross of injustice and a travesty to freedom.

3 life sentences is what Ross received when he was convicted of being the creator of the Silk Road.

No, he didn't personally sell any drugs. No, he didn't harm anyone, nor did he hire a hit on anyone.

He was to be made an example of, and for that, he has already served 9 years in a cage. 23 hours in, and only one hour out.

There are COUNTLESS murderers, rapists, and terrorists, who have received much less. In fact, most of the drug dealers on the Silk Road, received less than 10 years for their crimes of selling products to people who were happy to pay the asking price. The only caveat was that these products were not approved by the over reaching arm of government.

It's beyond time to end the massively failed drug war, release all non-violent offenders, and most importantly, FREE Ross Ulbricht and allow him to be a productive member of society instead of using stolen money to keep him locked in a cage for the rest of his years.

I put up this sign in my bar for anyone who wants to donate to his cause. It goes directly to his freedom fund.


I hope I live to see the day where Ross walks out of prison a free man.


Have you heard about Ross before reading this post?

Do you think it's ridiculous that someone who never harmed anyone could be sentenced to life in prison?

Morality and religious reasons aside, what logical reasoning could you use to agree with this kind of sentence? Or any drug related sentence for that matter? Assuming of course that there was no victim.

I look forward to reading your comments.


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