Do you want to see Hive survive and thrive?

IF you answered 'yes' to the title's question then let's take a deeper dive into the reality of that.


You, wanting to see hive thrive, naturally save your hive in hive power, yes?

This seems to be the natural, 'common sense' thing to do, yes?


You naturally don't vote rewards to people that drop hive like it is hot, right?

As a community, if we want to survive, we need to establish customs that serve the community's survival goals, yes?

Voting rewards to people that are powering down to sell them just as fast as they can is not consistent with this stated goal.

The customs and traditions of hive's community are not really established, yet.
We've been at this 7 plus years, but outside hivewatcher's standards, and trending's enforcement of nothing that offends corporate speak, we haven't really established what it is to be a hivizen.

Sure, some of us ride herd on the spammers and plagiarists.
Some of us pump out pablum known to make trending, every time.

It is pretty easy to guess which one serves our collective survival better.
Is that how we value these traits in the rewards pool?
Clearly not.

Spamming and plagiarizing seems to be at an all time low.
Can we get some congrats to hw's and hdr for making that happen?


I think that requiring minimal amounts to be held until we reach broader adoption is not too much to ask.
It is 'free' money, right?
It costs you nothing to hold on in hopes of a moonshot, yes?

IF the people forming the community of hive don't value hive, then who will?

My suggestion is that a 50 rep count should not be powering down, at all.
A 60 rep account should have a minimum of 1000hp.
A 70 rep account should have a mimimum of 10k hp.
80 rep accounts should have a minimum of 50k hp.

Not holding these amounts means that the account has powered down and sold what was given them by the curators.

For me, this is my standard for curation.
If you don't meet these data points then I don't vote you or follow you.

I heap scorn and derision an any curators not vetting their beneficiaries.
The top 5 curators vote rewards nearly exclusively to accounts that don't meet these minimal commitment to the hive standards.

Who's side are they on?


We know that were hive to become mass adopted many, many powerful rich people would be displaced by powerful, rich hivizens.
Instead of the bloodlines being the sole source of wealth, hive hodlers would replace them.
Instead of having to go to the secret meetings and doing the absolutely disgusting things that they do at these meetings, folks will have to do what it takes to make it to hive trending in the new paradigm.
(That movie is nsfw. The director was killed shortly after it was released.)

We've already had at least one swipe publicly made at us by them.
Are we going to tolerate a continued persistence of doing what makes hive fail?


But, anti, these people need to eat.

Yeah, and I need retirement money.

Every hive they sell is taking food out of my mouth.

Your's, too.

It's up to you, dear reader, do you want to wait around doing nothing while hive is sold down the river by the actions of the largest accounts, or do you want to start acting collectively to gain the largest advantage for all of us?

IF nobody sells hive for less than 5usd, the price is at 5usd.
There are only ~4k authors even getting rewards.
It seems a no brainer to act collectively to improve pay for creating posts.
We know that when the price rises user retention increases.

Giving hive to dumpers and buying it up cheap appears to be how 'they' intend to insure that hive doesn't succeed.
By voting rewards to those that dump, those that are buying get cheaper hive and centralize hive power to the point that nobody outside will buy in.
Eventually accumulating enough to push the price near zero all at once.

The current power to price ratio is not attractive to outside investment.
Current curation standards feed into this.

Qui bono?


You have to make your own decisions.
Clearly the way things have been done up to now has led to low prices and a lack of interest in the broader crypto market.

Continuing to do what we have done up to this point is only guaranteed to bring more of the same, imo.

Are you are tired of paying your masters to bomb children in far away places?
Perhaps it is time you pushed back on that.
A simple way that anybody can do that is to hoard your coins.
The fed buys coins at face value from the mint.
A dollar of change in your pocket is a dollar of value out of the banksters' pockets.
Stop playing in their shell game that allows them to play in the amusement parks from hell and shop in the human grocery stores.

'Aint that fresh?'

Hunter's cat in the cradle

Take the chapter 9 challenge.

Death to Discord!
Long live Sting!

Join the Hive Discordiant Room: created/hive-104940


Billy Jack, the movie.
The Trial of Billy Jack.
Billy Jack goes to Washington.

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