Celebrating National Freelance Writers Appreciation Week

Are you a freelance writer? Then this is your week! National Freelance Writers Appreciation Week, that is.

If you haven’t heard of this “holiday,” then you are not alone. Few people have. However, if you are a freelance writer, you can use this week as a gateway to market your business to clients in a meaningful way.

Here are some things that you can do to invite your clients to share in celebrating National Freelance Writers’ Appreciation Week.

Include it in your weekly newsletter

Hopefully, you send out a weekly newsletter to your clients, sharing writing hints and also promoting your services.
Create a banner for your newsletter this week which shouts to your customers about the week being designated to honor your profession.

Be certain that you craft a newsletter title that piques reader curiosity about the week and compels them to click to learn more.

Share it on your social channels

Is social media sharing a vital part of your digital marketing strategy? Some weeks it is difficult to come up with content, but National Freelance Writers’ Appreciation Weekprovides you with ideal fodder to use across your social channels. ![apple-bed-bedroom-5329.jpg]

Be authentic. Share why you became a writer. Explain what you do behind the scenes that clients don’t know about. Some of those actions you take to create their content could be meticulous keyword research, extra care in editing, or carefully crafting the perfect sentence.

This is the week to divulge those secrets, so your clients better comprehend your value to their businesses.

Connect with other writers to celebrate

Networking with other writers offers you tremendous opportunities to grow your business. When was the last time you attended a writers’ Meetup group event? Checked in at a workshop? Joined an online writing group?
Here is how this can add value.

All writers must continually hone their skills. Failure to keep sharp results in writing skills that become dull in time. Writers who attend these events are serious about their craft. They won’t hold back on giving you the honest kick in the tail you might need.

Also, these events are perfect opportunities for networking. I recently picked up a fairly large one-time project from a colleague who was too busy to accept the work. He recommended me, and that was a lucrative job that I didn’t have to go on the hunt to find.

Be Proud of National Freelance Writers’ Appreciation Week!

Whether your freelance writing specialty is copywriting, blog posting, social content captioning, or a mash-up of all of the above, this is your week to celebrate your profession. Enjoy basking in the limelight!

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