Why you should use Blocklancer immediately

Dear readers, in this article I would like to talk with you what the blocklancer is and why you should use it immediately.
We live in a period of mankind existence when job market has never been more secure and more available for everyone, but still it is not a perfect place. Still it has a lot of defects. Still there are a lot of people who are suffering from the unbearable conditions offered by the employers. Even though 21st century is the best time for humans in mankind history and standard of living and economic prosperity have never reached such amazing points, still many people do not have proper job. They are struggling to somehow make a living and are ready to do anything they can. Very often they are discriminated, lied and very frequently they become the victims of the employers` frauds, but that is just one side of job market imperfection. I said that very often employers discriminate against the employees, but there are many cases when employers become victims themselves. It happens very often when employees are not competent enough in their professions or they are lacking of the skills, experience and knowledge needed for the position they have. Moreover, there are cases when employees abuse their power, misuse the trust given by their employers, squander the resources of the organization they are working in and do not take their job seriously any more. That is the another side of the job market imperfection. The long and the short of it, job market is still insecure and imperfect.
What is the blocklancer? Blocklancer is a distributed autonomous job marketplace ( DAJ ) operating on the Ethereum Blockchain. Blocklancer is absolutely self-regulatory system and it tries to build the trustworthy platform for both parties – for freelancers and customers. In case you do not have information about freelancer, I can provide you with the definition of it. Shortly, freelancer is self-employed person, who has no long-term contract with the employer. So, blocklancer tries to find clients and the projects and then it plays an intermediary role between the clients ( Potential employers ) and freelancers. It facilitates their relationship and ensures that jobs and taken duties are completed efficiently and fairly. Blocklancer does all of these things through minimizing the costs of both parties and introducing a decentralized tribunal system that guarantees every controversial and disputable case is fairly tackled and no one loses nothing and thus, both parties are satisfied. The thing, that there is no single centralized authority, the one that makes subjective decisions based on their perceptions and interests, is additional advantage of blocklancer. Those who are solving the disputes are thousands of Tokenholders, Tokenholders have financial incentives to offer their expertise and make fair decisions.
To sum up, blocklancer is a marketplace. It helps two parties ( Those who have the projects and are looking for employees and those who are freelancers and are looking for reliable conditions and employers ) to connect and form trustworthy relationships. So, if you have the project and need employees to get your project done, don't be afraid of anything, just use the blocklancer or if you are a freelancer and are seeking for secure job and reasonable terms, blocklancer is just for you!

Official website : https://blocklancer.net/

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