If you lived in a free world how would your life be different? - Freedom Challenge

If you lived in a free world how would your life be different?


According to many I live in a free country, in which isn't your surroundings your 'world?' Yet as part of the definition of free from Merriam-Webster dictionary, there are a few key points that change that concept.
*not obstructed, restricted, or impeded.
*having no obligations (as to work) or commitments.
*not taken up with commitments or obligations.
I think these are the key elements when people think of a 'free world.'

In other countries that do not have the same 'freedoms' that we have being free means something completely different.
*having the legal and political rights of a citizen,
*enjoying civil and political liberty.
*enjoying political independence or being free from outside domination.
*enjoying personal freedom; not subject to the control or domination of another.


I think this particular definition is what hits home for many.

Enjoying personal freedom; not subject to the control or domination of another.

Isn't that what most of us want? We want to be free to think for ourselves. To make our own decisions, to make our mistakes, to learn various things. To have the means to learn the things we want. We want to be free to be ourselves. To not have to wear a mask and pretend we're something we aren't. To not have to hide our views and feeling because someone else's feelings will be hurt. To live in a way that you choose who you are and what you want.

If I am not hurting anyone, why can't I be free to dance in my backyard naked on the full moon? Why do I have to wear a bra everyday? I should be free to choose not to wear one. For MANY, MANY reasons, but mainly not to live in pain. I cannot do these things because it make other people feel uncomfortable. Yet it's ok for me to be uncomfortable?

When I think more of what a free world for me would be I become inundated by hundreds of thoughts. Then my pragmatic side reasons out the 'free.' If everyone is given something for free then they lack the desire to work towards self-improvement, to work towards goals and so forth. I guess when I look at all aspects. In a free world, I just want to be free to be me. I want the same for the world. Everyone free to be themselves. Free from judgement. Free from abuse. Free to love and be loved. Free to feel. Free from violence and anger. Free from hate. Free to express themselves (not just certain groups of people)

Challenge Rules
• You have one week, until Friday March 23, 2018 at 11:59 PM PST (UTC -8) to enter this contest.
• Tag your post with #freedomchallenge so that we can see all the entries in one place
• if you wish to participate go here: https://steemit.com/freedomchallenge/@sagescrub/freedom-challenge-4-if-you-lived-in-a-free-world-how-would-your-life-be-different-sbd-to-4-winners

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