I will fight for what Is Natural-Freedom Challenge #5: What's the next action you will take to ensure your freedom?


For me freedom for one should mean freedom for all.

There are so many things I could write about when it comes to my own personal Freedom, my choice of lifestyle would probably be the main one, living in a truck with my family and being nomadic. That is very important to me but alongside that is protecting our natural environment. Protecting the wilderness and all the abundance it provides for us, this amazing planet is our one true home and we should protect it ferociously.

The next action I will undertake to ensure Freedom

I have intentionally left out the word my, because we really need to reach out to one another, because when we stand together we are stronger, we empower one another and lift one another up. For too long we have been segregated and divided by ideals and actions. I have stated before on my blog that I like to live the Permaculture way, for me that is all inclusive, it is earth care, people care. It is seeing the value in every living thing and working in a way that promotes that. It is about bringing harmony and healing into the world.

To heal the Earth we must First Heal Birth.

Image Source:https://quotefancy.com/jeannine-parvati-baker-quotes

Freedom of Birth is my passion. I am the mother of 3 girls and one day they may choose to have children and if they do I want them to have the Freedom to choose where and how they give birth.

This is the right of every woman who chooses to birth. It is the right of every future being to be born into an environment of love. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone was born into a loving, calm and safe environment. No stress, no bright lights, no strange sounds.

I am a Doula and I see it as my path in life to help women remember the power they hold inside their bodies, the ancient wisdom. To help their partners remember their role in protecting the sanctuary in which they wish to birth. To bring them together in this most sacred of acts.

How we are born, how our mothers feel during birth has a huge impact on our lives. Those first few moments earthside leave such a huge impression on us. It is the start of our learning about this world we are born into. It forms our first impressions of life. We want these moments to be calm and loving.

Natural birth is hugely under threat today. Most women are given no options when it comes to birth, once you go to hospital you are handing your power over to the hospital. Suddenly your birth, which is very individual to you is placed within a time frame, if you do not progress within a certain amount of time then the interventions begin and women do not get to experience a natural birth.

Image Source:https://www.awakeningjaguarundi.com/birth-medicines.html

Surely we are not free if women cannot birth freely or our future generations cannot be be born freely without a cascade of interventions that put the mother and baby under so much stress.

So my next actionwill be to continue to educate people about birth.

To talk about the connection between birth and our life here on earth.We cannot ignore the fact that today a lot of people feel fear, experience anxiety. These feelings are transmitted by the mother during birth and then experienced directly by the baby when birth is interfered with.

Let us look at our other animal friends for guidance, when they birth they find somewhere safe, secure and dark. Then their bodies can birth their young. Women hold that instinct inside themselves too, some call it nesting. We need to nurture that and protect that feeling and allow women to access that raw, natural instinct.

This post is my action. Helping others to remember, encouraging them to share their inner wisdom. We need to re-establish our natural instincts, our natural power. Because with that we strengthened our bond to the earth, we see ourselves as part of the earth and not separate from it.This is the power of natural birth and this is the freedom I fight for.

I fight for a natural life for me and for others.

Thank you @sagescrub for creating the Freedom Challenge, for inspiring us to dig deep and really look at what is important in our lives and for encouraging us to be active.

Please check out the challenge here:https://steemit.com/freedomchallenge/@sagescrub/freedom-challenge-5-what-s-the-next-action-you-will-take-to-ensure-your-freedom-delegation-sbd-reward

Please also take some time and check out @sagecrub unofficial entry to this challenge, I loved it and was very inspirated by what he wrote. Here is the link:https://steemit.com/ecotrain/@sagescrub/i-will-take-a-radical-action-and-save-seeds-to-ensure-my-freedom

I am part of the ecotrain, if you wish to read great content and be inspired please check it out. It is one train that is full of very diverse and creative passengers. And we all know that diversity is the spice of life.

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