Freedom Challenge: What is Holding Me Back from Feeling Free?

Ahh, freedom. It is something most people aspire too and which the brave accomplish. But what is freedom? 

To me, freedom is having sovereignty over all of my own actions and my life. Freedom is being authentic and able to pursue my passions as I please! Freedom is being in love with myself and having inner peace. That is what freedom means to me, but definitions vary from person to person. 

For some people, freedom doesn't have to do with authenticity or passions or peace at all! My grandma says that "money is freedom" and that is definitely a dangerous thought, sure money can help you do what you want in your life, but chasing money is not really freedom at all, its slavery in disguise, at least the way it is set up nowadays. Some people think that being free means that you can do whatever you want without consequences, and that is also a dangerously un-free thought. If your freedom means harming others and suppressing them, then its not really free at all because you are inhibiting others freedoms. 

So what is holding me back from freedom?

If I was thinking about my grandmas perspective, then I would have to say that the lack of money right now is holding me back, or as some people thing, the inability to morally do whatever I want and disregard others feelings is preventing me from being free. Both of these conclusions are bullshit though, because despite the fact I have no money right now, I still have the ability to think and act for myself. I can pursue my passions creatively without money, and I can find inner peace without it too. I don't need to trample on others or fulfill my impulsive whims to be free either, no way! 

But what is really holding me back from being totally free? I suppose along with freedom comes the ability to fail miserably! (on my own terms, ha ha!) I am not really failing miserably, but I definitely could be doing something different I think, in order to take my freedom and fully make the best of it! Nearly odd seeming, it seems to be discipline and ritual that I need now to fully embrace my freedom. 

I am not going to talk too much about the physical and fictional institutions that are somewhat inhibiting my freedom right now. It will turn into a rant about needing permission and serf ID from my feudal masters in order to by alcohol and smokes haha. That is not really keeping me from being free right now, in fact it is a new sort of (fictional and bullshit) freedom that I just got hold of. It doesn't change my ability to choose for myself or be authentic and love myself at all. I am not going to talk much about needing a job or permission to drive or needing inhalers from Big Pharma to breathe. This is all stuff that I will change slowly over the next decade of my life in order to escape the bullshit. These things really can only be changed slowly! 

Practical things like gardens, herbology and cryptocurrency will all slowly free me from the bullshit like that. But what I need to truly be free and work towards these goals is in fact self discipline and ritual. I find it kinda funny and ironic that it is self discipline and ritual that I need to be more free! Both things seem counter to uninhibited freedom, but really I think they fit in just fine.

It is self discipline I need in order to get things done. I really am impulsive and easily distracted. The lack of focus in my life inhibits my ability to pursue my passions, and often I find myself at the mercy of my impulses.

 I want to be able to take purposeful and directed action to things that I need to get done in life and also things in which I love doing. Simple stuff like doing the dishes or building chicken coops! Even learning how to run the generator or pump water from the well. The things I do want to do, like gardening, come easier but would still benefit from ritual and discipline, to make it more efficient! I know I will be able to do all sorts of amazing stuff and make lots of accomplishments if only I find the discipline and focus within to actually do it! 

I gotta discipline myself because the things that need to get done are often not what I am in the mood to do. I practiced this sort of perseverance this summer, but I need to keep doing it! I have been a lazy butt all winter (gratefully), and spring is going to be here quickly so I gotta get back into the game! Sometimes you gotta do things you don't feel like doing in order to succeed and reach the heights of freedom. If you think about it, freedom does not just include doing whatever you want all the time, even though that is usually what it seems to be! 

I also need ritual to help me with this, because some structure and rituals will probably help me streamline the processes of life and make doing things easier with time. 

Its simple really, I need to set out certain rituals like getting up early, stretching or yoga before I start my activities for the day, and cutting out the impulse to eat sweets! I think this all might be a byproduct of winter, considering it is nearly always miserable outside, but that should be no excuse for getting nothing done at all (well, to be fair, I have gotten a lot of Steeming done! haha). I know that once I get into the rhythum of warmth and sunshine that it will all be easier, but there is no time to start like now!

So yeah, for me to feel more free I gotta get some structure and discipline back into my life. 

That way I will have plenty of time to work on my passions because I got the boring stuff out of the way fast! I will also be more free because I will feel healthier and more motivated and focused as well, once I get into some more healthy rituals. I  have been full of self-care all winter, taking it easy and resting. Like the plants outside however, I am stirring and reading for a season of productivity! 

It is being productive, disciplined and authentic that will bring me to the heights of freedom!

Thank you for joining me on a little inner journey to discover what I really need in order to feel free and accomplish freedom. Thank you @sagescrub for this awesome contest and well-timed writing prompt! I totally needed it to get the ball rolling. I wrote this stuff down now, and presented it to the world. No going back! 

If you would like to join in on the #freedomchallenge then check out This Post for the contest deets!

All photos are from pixabay, canva or are my own <3

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