Freedom Challenge #4 Wrap Up + Winners Announced!

Announcing the winners of the 4rd Freedom Challenge: "If you lived in a free world how would your life be different?"

We had 9 submissions in total

Reading the responses to this Freedom Challenge was at times difficult because I see many of us are feeling held back by common themes in our lives. For me it is also a work in progress to decipher a path in a world that does not feel free. That can be so challenging at times.

And yet here we are decisive and optimistic about the change we can make and are taking part of. In part thanks to this amazing platform steemit and most especially to the people that are coming together, sharing from their heart and connecting together in healing, learning and living. As different as we all are there are so many ways that we can relate and this expression is helping to bring us together in our quest for freedom.

Thank you all for helping to make this world a better place for us and future generations!


Announcing the winners of FreedomChallenge #4:

1st place winner for 9 SBD:

@canadianrenegade with How the World Looks Wearing Freedom Coloured Glasses

Runners up for 1 SBD:

Congratulations winners! Please check your wallets for your reward.

Thank you everyone who took the time to contribute to the discussion on Freedom. I really enjoyed reading all of your words and insights!

I've included the contest participants below here in one place, in order of their entry for your reading enjoyment. Included are quotes, but to do them full justice you really must read them in their entirety.

Until the next challenge... peace and may you live free!

How my life would be different in a free world / Freedom Challenge

by @seenitallfilms
Often I feel that I'm not from this planet, I do not belong here. I feel like I truly belong to a time and place very far away, somewhere where money never existed. A place where if you needed something, you exchanged services. Where we wouuld survive by helping each other grow as a race. We would cut out the middle man, and thrive on our own success and achievements. Hey, now this is sounding awfully familiar...


Freedom Challenge #4 entry #1 : If you lived in a free world how would your life be different?

by @jaicyjarc
The future I want is for us as a society to unite to preserve our natural resources, develop new technologies that allow us to mitigate the damage we have done to the planet. That we create effective programs of social development that allow people with fewer resources to "match" with the more fortunate ones.

Visualizing Religious Freedom - Freedom Challenge #4

by @cabelindsay
As for me, I sing and I paint, fanning the Creative Fire. I speak for the people, for the animals, and for the plants, cultivating the Sacred Medicine. I work to shine and sparkle in life, embodying the Warrior of Light. I explore spirituality on a daily basis. My study is firm and flexible. My line branches into a number of different paths, incorporating elements of several practices. My religion is open, inviting, and free. This is my Vision of a free world.


Freedom Challenge #4: If you lived in a free world how would your life be different?

by @cecicastor
I would be free to express my ideas without fear of recrimination. I would be able to run my homestead as I see fit without outside interference. Life wouldn’t have to be a daily battle for my rights.


Freedom Challenge #4: How My Life Will Be Different If I Lived in a Free World

by @gandhibaba
However, if the world was a free place and I had the freedom to live as I wished, I would love to be judged based on the contents of my character not by the colour of my skin nor my social class. I would love to be judged by my personal attributes; not by my religion nor ethnicity.

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If you lived in a free world how would your life be different? - Freedom Challenge

by @tryskele
*In a free world, I just want to be free to be me. I want the same for the world. Everyone free to be themselves. Free from judgement. Free from abuse. Free to love and be loved. Free to feel. Free from violence and anger. Free from hate. Free to express themselves *

If you lived in a free world how would your life be different? [bilingual]

by @el-nailul
In every life option we will be at risk, no matter big or small. Psychological risks that then haunt us as fear. The fear of risk will drive us far from feeling the freedom in our life. But when we manage to take control of our fear then we feel more freedom to carry on our journey of life. Free from fear and worries is able to withstand the risks.


Freedom Challenge #4: My Vision for a Free World

by @tessaragabrielle
In a free world, we would care for ourselves and each other, and we would care for the earth and nature. We would grow crops and share our harvest with our neighbors. Today, I try to plant the seeds of such a society, hoping they will flourish and bear fruit one day. Like the girl in my illustration, I dream of a lush green world of abundance and joy. I dream of a caring revolution.

Dreams can't be colonized.png

How the World Looks Wearing Freedom Coloured Glasses

by @canadianrenegade
In a free world, living comfortably, unburdened by the fear of debt, would be more obtainable. In a free world, we would be have the ability to help our neighbours generously and in a way that could make a real difference. In a free world, our time would be spent chasing our kids instead of chasing a dollar.


Previous Freedom Challenges

#1: What does freedom mean to you? Submissions + Winners
#2: What is holding you back from feeling more free? Submissions + Winners
#3: How do you express your freedom? Submissions + Winners

Who is @sagescrub?

I am a ex-suburbanite turned permaculture homesteader. Follow my journey and I will share what I know and am learning along the way. You can learn more about me in my re-introducing @sagescrub post. Wishing you abundance in your life!

Please know that I am NOT an expert on any of the subjects that I present nor do I claim to be. So do your own research and take anything I say or do with a grain of salt!

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