Freedom Challenge #3 Wrap Up + Winners Announced!

Announcing the winners of the 3rd Freedom Challenge: "How do you express your freedom?"

We had 12 submissions in total

I was pleased so see so many people inspired to write about freedom in their lives! There is a theme that I see emerging over these last three challenges: the voices of many strong, proud women contributing their thoughts on freedom. I am excited to be learning how being a proud woman, a mother, a feminist can influence how one expresses their freedom. Thank you for sharing so openly.

A shout out to the women of the freedom challenges:

@bthebest7, @beulinator, @canadianrenegade, @cecicastor, @coyoteom, @firststeps, @minismallholding, @mountainjewel, @phedizzle, @schoonercreek, @silasdavid, @skycae, @thehoneys, @trucklife-family, @tryskele, @twinislandflames, @warpedweaver, @yadah04, @yogajill


Announcing the winners of FreedomChallenge #3:

1st place winner for 9 SBD:

@phedizzle with Freedom Challenge 3: My entry

Runners up for 1 SBD:

Congratulations winners! Please check your wallets for your reward.

Thank you everyone who took the time to contribute to the discussion on Freedom. I really enjoyed reading all of your words and insights!

I've included the contest participants below here in one place, in order of their entry for your reading enjoyment. Included are quotes, but to do them full justice you really must read them in their entirety.

Until the next challenge... peace and may you live free!

Previous Freedom Challenges

#1: What does freedom mean to you? Submissions + Winners
#2: What is holding you back from feeling more free? Submissions + Winners

Freedom challenge: How Do I Express My Freedom?

by @silasdavid
Nature shows me how to truly live freely by being simply in the moment. In this moment I can find that balance, that sweet spot where the flow of life unfolds. All of the "problems" seem to just melt away...and I remember...I am HOME. Nature sets an example for us all to remind us what our roots are. Life is born of the elements, we come from the earth and to earth we will return. Life doesn't fear this, it is only the conditioned mind that fears.


How do you express your freedom? #freedomchallenge by @sagescrub

by @silasdavid
I felt nurtured by the land, by the energy of Nature that surrounded me. I felt free to express my emotions and allow the pain in my heart out. My heart was so happy to see my girls being able to play and explore without so much restriction or danger.


How do you express your freedom?

by @steamdan
I own my time. And that's a tricky thing to say. We often find ourselves in an eternal hurry for everything, but that is not my style. I've always had this feeling of wanting to slow down things because, when they get as fast as they can, it's going to be a long ride.


How do you express your freedom? My entry for Freedom Challenge #3

by @focusnow
This is the unpopular route i have chosen because i want to determine when i sleep. I want to visit friends when i wish. i want to vacation when i wish. I want to stay indoors when there is heavy rain. I want go the hospital without a written permission. i want to be free and express my freedom. i want to have my life.


Freedom Challenge 3: My entry

by @phedizzle
The fourth thing I do which makes me feel free is learn. Do It Yourself topics such as permaculture, tiny houses, feng shui, how to prune apple trees, worm composting, how to make a sweater coat, how to pressure can meat help me feel independent and self sufficient, as well as topics such as ancient history, science, neurology, endocrinology, and/or pretty much anything else that tickles my fancy. This brings me peace and wisdom because there is always something interesting to learn which opens my mind to wonderful new adventures.


Freedom Challenge #3: How Do You Express Your Freedom? Entry#1. The Beach.

by @luism86
Freedom is the feeling of being able to do what you like when and how you want. It is one of the best and most pleasurable sensations that the human being can experience, I really like the beach and when I'm there I feel really free.


Expressing Freedom through Freedom of Expression

by @twinislandflames
I express my freedom by being myself - by being a feminist. Feminism means different things to different people, just like the concepts of love, of liberty, and of freedom. Everything here is my interpretation and my belief system.

shes someone.png

My Entry to Freedom Challenge #3: How Do You Express Your Freedom?

by @senorcoconut
The way I most have been expressing my freedom is through traveling the world whenever I wish. I have learned to not be afraid of change and that is what kept me working as a free lancer all these years. It's kind of the best of both worlds, I work for someone which means I usually don't have to find clients but I make myself available for work mostly when I need it (I don't pick my own hours, but I do pick my own days)!


Freedom Challenge - How Do I Express My Freedom?

by @skycae
And I am free to choose unconditional love over conditions and hate, and therefore I am free to forgive as well. If I am naive for loving unconditionally and forgiving all, then so be it, that is one of my highest expressions of freedom I can manage! To be clear, I need not forgive others for their sake, but am free to forgive so that I am free from grudges or hate. It is for my own sake, my own self love, and my own freedom that I choose to forgive (but shall not forget!). The freedom to express unconditional love and forgiveness is a freedom I can never lose and one I treasure dearly.


Freedom Challenge: Expressing my Freedom

by @trucklife-family
I am a wild woman,
I am happiest amongst the trees.
I am a passionate woman,
A woman who cries when the time arises,
A woman who smiles when her children run Free.


How Do You Express Your Freedom? I Plant Trees

by @mountainjewel
The things which plant themselves into our hearts when we are children are part of our remembrance of freedom that we carry as adults. To me, the act of now planting trees carries on my childlike spirit and acts as a gift to the next generation.


How Do I Express My Freedom; Let Me Count the Ways...

by @canadianrenegade
Moms are wonderful people, and I am not just saying that because I joined the ranks a mere 8 months ago either. The mothers in my life are some of the biggest cheerleaders I know. The moms I surround myself with, respect my choices to breastfeed, boost my children's immune systems naturally, homeschool, and parent with love. Not only do they offer me unwavering support, they also lift me up in times of need and turn to me in their own time of need as well.


Previous Freedom Challenges

#1: What does freedom mean to you? Submissions + Winners
#2: What is holding you back from feeling more free? Submissions + Winners

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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